- Hashtag "#pspinc" returned 2408 results.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
Here is what we are producing as a giveaway for PSPinc and hosting service Dreamersi.
If you are interested in making something like this for your company at very low cost, please let us know. We will help you get them. If you are interested, please contact Uchikura & Co.
Working at Minimum Wages
make less money than welfare.
That does not make sense.
"He who does not work, neither shall he eat."
I think this is a good model.
Because this does not say "He who can not work, neither shall he eat."
Do you see the difference?
If you choose not to work, even though you can, you have no right to receive welfare. Is that fair?
We just approve the design for our new wireless mouse for 2018. Do you like White or Red?
Seattle / Bellevue area hotels ... When you look at it. Even if you combine all the hotels rooms on this hotel, it will be less than The Venetian Las Vegas with over 7,000 rooms. I am sure The Venetian Las Vegas never fill all or even half the rooms, but that is how small the number of hotels here.
The State and City tax people staying at the hotels. I think it is like slapping the cheeks of the people coming to Seattle. When they are here they will spend money everywhere. Why in the world would you like to charge people willing spend money tax to come here. That is just so backwards.
---> #DoNotTaxMyGuest
Do you own your own business?
Are you happy with your Internet presence?
Every business regardless of the size, needs to have
(1) Your Own Domain Name
{Your Own Domain}.com
(2) Operate Your Email Under Your Own Domain
{Your Name}@{Your Own Domain}.com
(3) Web Site
http://www.{Your Own Domain}.com
From that you should expand your cyber presence by
(4) Update Web Site regularly using Blog
(5) Connect You Blog to Social Media
Facebook, Linked In and Twitter
If you need help in any of above, PSPinc can help. Please contact us at http://www.pspinc.com or email us at info@pspinc.com
Small slide show that show who we are.
Do you look for any of those words when you shop online?
I was testing LED light for our office. I install this in my back yard ... Well, it worked too well. This is way too bright. I bought the one that is much less bright.
We have replaced our office light with LEDs but they are too white. So, I was asked to change. So, this is what they have recommend it. It is yellow.
Mayumi Nakamura is finishing her business trip to Japan and coming back tomorrow. Tiny and Nano will go home tomorrow night. I think Nano will be very happy with Mayumi. Tiny on the other hand is happy with Pompom.
Have a good trip back, Mayumi.
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