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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
I just got my Christmas present that I bought for myself, New Macbook Pro. I have set it up as a new PC because this has 500GB SSD but Mac Mini I ma using has 2TB hard disk. I will slowly transfer my apps and flies to new Mac and turn Mac Mini into an OSX Server.
Happy Holiodays!!!
Tomorrow is our annual holiday party ... sorry invitation only.
This year we will have Sushi and Poke ... That is what I heard.
Everybody is getting ready for it.
I received a marketing email starting with the following quote.
"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking,
eventually you'll make progress."
-Barack Obama
Do you think this is a good way to start your business email. Don't you know you should never talk about "Religion" and "Politics"? I understand many people like Mr. Obama but many do not. So, no matter wht you think, you should never quote someone who is in the politics unless he is in the history book.
I am working on buidling a website with PSPinc's CMS "Web de Xpress". It is not complete but it is easy ... I am doing it without our designers' help. Not too bad.
Test your website compatibity with 3G network ... That is what majority of people are using to access your website on their mobile devides. If the reasult is "Good", good for you. If you are concerned about your web performace and looking for a inexpensive way to fix it,pleas give us a call at 1-800-232-3989 ot 1-425-957-0808. We cam help.
Believe it or not, the main reason why I came to Japan was to attend the golf tournament hosted by our partner net company. I shot 48/45=93 to take 20th place.
Thank youfor supporting PSS Children's Foundation Charity Golf Tournament for Univerirty of Washington Foster School of Business Sholorship program. We wil do it again ... biggere and better for 2018.
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
We now have a VR experience setup at PSPinc company recreation room. This is for an enjoyment but I am hoping this will inspire people.
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