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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

11 Years Ago Today

Did you know there were 24 Japanese nationals who lost their lives in 9.11? RIP.
9.11 では日本人24人が命を失っています。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。
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Watching TV

Watching TV
I watched UCLA vs NEBRASKA football yesterday. Way to go UCLA.
Then I heard about University of Washington vs LSU. 41 to 3, was it.
The I watched Seahawks making mistakes after mistakes ... SAD day for Seattle.

It also rained yesterday ending 48 days of no rain. SAD.
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Akimatsuri - Fall Festival

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The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey

The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey
Ospreys are being deployed to Okinawa ... People in Okinawa is opposing to this are craft saying there are too many accidents. Ospreys are replacing aging aging Chinook Helicopters. It is a very interesting looking air craft.

It flew over the golf course yesterday. They are very noisy too.
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Who would do this?

Who would do this?
The post box post was kicked down near my house. It must be done by kids or adult with kids brain.
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Hi, my name is Ken.
I was born in August 30, 1959.

Barbara Millicent Roberts was born on March 9, 1959

Who is Barbara Millicent Roberts?
You know her, don't you. I am sure you do.

If you think you don't know her, look it up online.
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Gift from Microsoft

Gift from Microsoft
Microsoft XBOX Team invited children from Tohoku to see their offices and they got to play some of the games. But at the end, each child received a XBOX Console and Kinect. Some of the kids lost their game console to Tsunami ... Now they have brand new XBOX. Thank you Microsoft.
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Rob McKenna for Governor

Rob McKenna for Governor
I bought a campaign kit from Rob McKenna for Governor. I wanted to know if the T-Shirt his campaign is sending out was "MADE IN USA". Now I know the answer.

BTW, I bought OBAMA T-Thirt too back in 2008. I wanted to know if that was "MADE IN USA".

All politicians are running for jobs in America ... don't you think you should at least make sure what you are supporting the jobs in the USA by buying "MADE IN USA"?
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Our guests are on TV

Our guests are on TV
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House painting project.

House painting project.
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