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If you do not communicate, people will assume you are not doing anything.
So, Start Talking.
Most of the good ideas do not start off as clear nor bright at first.
Catalogue shopping is alive an well in Japan. Of cause Online is big but paper catalogs are still big mainly due to the higher age Japanese population. There is an opportunities for the US company to work with those catalog companies. If you are interested in knowing more about this, contact me.
When I got back from Japan, the plane did fly around the Puget Sound to get in line with other planes. As much as I like to get the place as straight as possible, it's not always the way it works out. So long as I get there safe … I guess it's okay.
Pompom is still on medication … without it, he is in Pain I think. It may be something to do with being cold (also getting old).
In Japan, there are restaurants that let customer choose what they want by machine before they enter the restaurant. I call it a food ticket vending machine but I don't know the real name . Does anyone know what this is called?
If you modernize it, it could be sold in the US. Yes, I know many would not like to see a machine replacing people, but that's the reality.
Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in the world with over 13 million people living. For that this city is extremely clean both street and air. Last night, I looked up and saw a moon. Today, I can clearly see Mt. Fuji from my hotel room. Amazing.
Instead of going out to a brunch, I bought bento and salad for lunch. I am taking 1:30pm Bus to Narita Airport fir 5:55pm Flight back to Seattle.
At Family Mart (FAMIMA for short)
I don't know why they call this ESPRESSO unless it is Americana.
Where do you think you can get a best cup coffee in Japan?
- Starbucks and other coffee chain
- At Home
- Cafe
- Convenience Store
The answer is at the Convenience Store. For 100 Yen or $0.85, you can get fresh brewed great cup of coffee at places like Seven Eleven, Lawson, Family Mart ...
Until this coffee brewing machine was introduced by Seven Eleven in Japan. People used to buy canned coffee for 150yen. But since then all canned coffee are priced down to 100 yen.
This is truly a great cup of coffee. If you don't believe me, try it next time you are in Japan. Sorry, there is no Espresso.
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