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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

It gets dark earlier...

It gets dark earlier...
Compared to a month ago, it gets dark earlier now by about an hour. It is still July but it is still sad to see shorter daylight. This image was taken at 9:20pm last night. It is almost dark now at that time.

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Free Roundtrip Airfare

Free Roundtrip Airfare
I received a letter in my mailbox saying I have qualified to receive …
It was very official looking.

I did not check but I assume this is a scam.
If you receive a letter like this, throw it away.

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Free Fonts

Free Fonts Free Fonts
You might want to download NOTO Fonts (Japanese Fonts are available too) from Google.

Fonts that support all languages/characters in Unicode … When the system have no font, it display square on the screen instead of the actual character. That white square looks like Tofu … NoTo font means NO Tofu.
#Computer #Internet

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Beautiful Sunday

Beautiful Sunday Beautiful Sunday Beautiful Sunday Beautiful Sunday Beautiful Sunday Beautiful Sunday Beautiful Sunday
It is another beautiful day here in Bellevue / Western Washington. I walked with Pompom at Medina Park. After the walk, we came back to the house and shampooed Pompom. He is taking a nap now.
#Animals #Pets

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Apple iCloud is Down

Apple iCloud is Down
I cannot access iCloud … It seems the service is down and I cannot access anything. I cannot even go to … It looks very bad. But this could happen t anyone.
#Computer #Internet

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15 Year Old Porsche

15 Year Old Porsche
I took delivery of the car I bought on Monday today from Barrier Porsche just now. It took until today to get a new tire for this car (just one tire). When I went to pick it up, the car had all the used car paper stack on the window so the service person ask me to wait at the lobby while they prep. the car.

After about 15 minutes the car was read. I drove back to the office. The first thing I noticed was the gas was not full. Besides, not a one sales person came to say thank you. I guess they are so used to customer spending $100K, they forgot what they need to do if you are not spending that kind of money. Very sad and disappointed.

It is a good business lesson to me and my company. I don't want to forget to treat every customer like they are the only customer we have.
#Business #Marketing

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Interesting Software for PC

Interesting Software for PC
One of the products we are releasing is a very unique product called "PC Tether". This software, when installed on Windows PC or Tablet and activated, turns your PC into a WiFi access point.

With is PC, other WiFi enabled devices like tablets and smartphones can access Internet via a PC running PC Tether.
#Computer #Internet

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Have you seen this?


This is something every small business owner should watch.
#Business #Marketing

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Product Redemption Card

Product Redemption Card
What I have on my hand is a newly printed PSP Product Redemption Card. When you purchase a package from us, there will be one of those inside with the redemption code.

This code enables you to unlock the service for your company. What are the products? Please preview the page that is not publicly announced.
#Business #Marketing

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Mutual Business

Do you know the Mutual Business is?

Simple way to explain what the Mutual Business is, I buy things from the people who buy from us. It is the way to create a mutually beneficial relation ship with the people you do business with.

We joined Seattle Executives Association ( to market our products to a member and their friends 10 years ago. We ended up buying more things from the members of the association. But also many of them became our customers. It is a very good mutually beneficial relationship.

We are always looking for new customers … but our goal also is to do business with our customers.
#Business #Marketing

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