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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
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Dinner with a friend

Dinner with a friend Dinner with a friend Dinner with a friend Dinner with a friend Dinner with a friend Dinner with a friend Dinner with a friend
We ate Thai hot pot today. I have never had this before. It is about 3,000yen per person (all you can eat). It was really tasty but next time we will try traditional Thai food like curry. Service and food was really good.

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Business Lunch Today

Business Lunch Today Business Lunch Today
we went to Korean Style (Maybe Japanese Style) BBQ place in Shinagawa. 1350 Yen lunch.

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Those images came from the same image. You can change the focal point of the image after (yes after) you shoot the picture. It is called Lytro camera. If you do not have to worry about focusing your camera, imagine how much more freedom you will have. It is still a very simple and week as a camera the one I have, but it has the potential to be big, really big.
#Computer #Internet

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1 + 1 = 3

1 + 1 = 3
Although it is mathematically incorrect, this is often used in the retail marketing. What it is saying is "BUY TWO, GET ONE FREE". I like 1+1 =3 better, it is much more eye catching.

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Lunch Today

Sanma Sanma 3 Small Dishes 3 Small Dishes
Very traditional Japanese lunch. Broiled Fish, Tofu, Kimpira, Niku Jyaga, Miso Soup and Rice for 810 yen. For $8.10, this is a great price.

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Fuji Soba Breakfast

Fuji Soba Breakfast Fuji Soba Breakfast Fuji Soba Breakfast
I went to eat Soba Noodle for breakfast today. I ordered a Hot Soba with Soft Boiled Egg for 350 yen and I paid for it at the ticketing machine outside. When I got it, they told me it is 310 yen in the morning and gave me 40 yen back. Also, I got one free topping. For about the same price of Starbucks Latte, I can eat healthy breakfast here, nice. I like ramen but I like soba too. So far, I had one ramen and one soba in Japan.

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Dinner Choice

Dinner Choice Dinner Choice Dinner Choice Dinner Choice Dinner Choice Dinner Choice Dinner Choice Dinner Choice
I can't believe how many places there are within a block of Akasaka-Mitsuke subway station. I ended up eating ramen at Ringer Hut (Last Image).

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Arrived in Japan

Arrived in Japan Arrived in Japan Arrived in Japan Arrived in Japan Arrived in Japan Arrived in Japan Arrived in Japan Arrived in Japan
It took about 12 hours traveling but I finally arrived at hotel in Tokyo. There are police everywhere today because President Obama is arriving. And because of this I arrived at Narita ... Not Haneda.

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This is why web developers hate IE

This is why web developers h...
There is one of the good example of why Web developers do not like Internet Explorer … Especially the old ones.
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On my way to Japan today

On my way to Japan today
I'm on my way to the airport in about two hours then I will be off to Narita, Japan. My flight to Haneda got cancelled, maybe because of the commander in chief of the US is flying to Japan. I think my flight will be passed by Air Force 1 somewhere over the northern pacific.

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