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YouTube ... Commercials

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こんなにCMがあったら見る気は... こんなにCMがあったら見る気はしないですよね。
There are so many commercials on YouTube videos that makes YouTube very inappropriate for companies and non-profit. YouTube is design for YouTubers who are making money by displaying commercials.

We need a video system that is design for businesses. I am planning to develop the way for this Bloguru to upload and display commercial free videos. But unlike Bloguru itself, I think this service will not be free for bigger videos.

Bloguru に有料でコマーシャルなしのビデオをアップロードするサービスを考えています。皆さんにご興味はありあすか? ご意見をお聞かせください。
#bloguruvideo #kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #pspinc #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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