平素より PSPINC のサービスをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。 今年初め、多くのWebサイトで導入されている「ユニバーサルアナリティクス(UA)」での計測が今後段階的に終了することが発表されました。 最新バージョンGoogle Analytics 4 (GA4) への切替方法については...
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve now updated the admin panel within WebdeXpress that encourages customers to switch over to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) from Universal Analytics (UA). Earlier this year, Google announced they’d phase out UA. Because of this, it’s recommended for website owners to switch to...
Have you heard of an elevator pitch? It’s the idea that if you got into an elevator with an investor, what would you say to try to sell to them? It should be short, concise, but still compelling enough to introduce yourself and showcase your expertise in a way that will convince the other person to invest in you. Like market...
A vital part of maintaining a successful business is cultivating meaningful relationships. Loyalty from your customers is essential to build a truly sustainable brand. Sales transactions are great, but what you’re really looking for as a business owner are customers who continually come back. It shows people that your bran...
Brand loyalty is what every company wants. While the main goal is to increase sales, it’s much easier and cheaper to get customers that continually come back. In fact, it’s five to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer when compared to retaining an existing one (according to Harvard Business Review). ...
PSPINC では、常にチームで仕事を行います。各チームが一丸となり業務に携わることで、全てのタスクを効率的かつ、ミスなく完遂することを可能にしています。それには、新サービスの開発からマーケティングまでのプロセスも含まれます。例えば、新規サービスは全て、一般に公開される前にローンチチェックリストに沿...
At PSPINC, we work in teams. Over the years, it’s proven to be helpful in all business tasks. At the end of the day, everyone works together to get the job done. That includes processes from creating a new product or service to marketing it. For example, every new product or service we create must go through a laun...
We often ask questions with some expectation of the answers before we hear them. When asking our customers for their input, however, we must willingly...
Hosting a focus group to get more granular feedback from your customers is a great way learn what’s working, what’s not, and what the people want. The...
The best time to ask a customer about their experience with your business is immediately after your transaction or interaction with them. Life is busy...