No trash cans
One of the first things you notice when you visit Japan is how clean the streets are. Even though there are a lot of people, you don't see much trash or other debris scattered around. You might think this is because the streets are cleaned well, but this isn’t the case. In Japan, it is forbidden to walk around while smoking. It is also not common to eat while walking.
For example, if you buy food at a convenience store, you can either eat it inside the store or take it with you. You don’t eat outside unless there is a designated area. They also don't eat or drink on public transportation such as trains and buses. As a result, it is difficult to find trash cans in the city. In the past, trash cans were set up in various places, but there ended up being piles of trash left there.
At some point, the trash cans disappeared from the streets and there was less garbage in the city. I think the reason Japan is so clean is not because of the government, but because individuals are not producing garbage. Since there are no trash cans, people try to avoid creating trash. If you go to Japan, you can expect to find trash cans only at home or in your hotel room.
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