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Immigrating to Arizona?

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Immigrating to Arizona?
I have no problem Federal Government enforcing an immigration regulation to the people who may be in the US illegally. So when I heard what the state of Arizona did, I thought there is No Problem. Then I really thought about it.

It is an immigration problem, and they are not migrating to Arizona, they are migrating to the US. So, it is a Federal Issue and not a State Issue. One State should not decide anything that should be decided on the Federal level. And here are some of the reason why:

(1) State does not have a relationship with the countries in diplomatic level.
(2) State does not have any deportation authority.
(3) State already have the authority to notify Federal Government when they arrest someone and find out they are staying the US illegally.

I know there is an immigration problem. But again it is a Federal Government matter. And if there is something a State wants to do, they should pass the law saying that the Federal Government mast enforce the tighter immigration rather than taking it in their own hand.

It has nothing to do with the color of the skin or how they look. It is just not a matter should the State government get involved directly.
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