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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
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How are we going to pay for those???

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How are we going to pay for ...
First, it provides a tax cut for small businesses, not big corporations, to help them hire and expand now and provides an additional tax cut to any business that increases wages.

How are we going to fund this tax break? Are the government asking us to pay more in wages so we can pay less tax? If we can get by without hiring more people, we will not hire more people. We are not holding hiring people because of the tax we have to pay, because there is no demand. Abolish the minimum wages so that there is a job for lower paid employees.

Second, it puts people back to work, including teachers, first responders and veterans coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, and construction workers repairing crumbling bridges, roads and more than 35,000 public schools, with projects chosen by need and impact, not earmarks and politics.

Where is the money to do all this. Are we going to print more money or borrow more money. That is what get us to this recession, isn't it.

Third, it helps out-of-work Americans by extending unemployment benefits to help them support their families while looking for work and reforming the system with training programs that build real skills, connect to real jobs and help the long-term unemployed.

Again, where is the money to do this. People need to work. It is easier not work and collect unemployment. Jobs will go to where labor costs are cheeper and where motivated people are. It is not just a cost.

Fourth, it puts more money in the pockets of working and middle class Americans by cutting in half the payroll tax that comes out of every worker's paycheck, saving families an average of $1,500 a year. And it removes the barriers that exist in the current federal refinancing program (HARP) to help more Americans refinance their mortgages at historically low rates, save money and stay in their homes.

I think there are people who should not have purchased the houses in the first place. Government bailed out banks that made this mess. Have them pay for it.

I wish the government can do those things and get the economy up ... but what this proposal is exactly how we get here. Let people fail so that people can succeed too. It is not President Obama who does not get it, it is so far all the policy makers in any government, democrats or republican.

If this is a company and the CEO of the company proposed this spending plan, and you are a shareholder of this company, would you keep him as a CEO. I guess you would if you do not have anyone else.
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