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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
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3 Months have Passed

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3 Months have Passed
It has been three months since I had to say good bye to Pompom. It is still very hard and I still look for Pompom's little black shadow everywhere.

I started to swim in the morning from the day after his departure. It has been three months I swam everyday except when I travel and weekends. I played golf every Saturday and took a break on Sunday. When I started swim, I could only do 6 laps ... took about 15 minutes. Now i am doing 18 laps taking less than 30 minutes. Also, I ma concentrating on my golf more. My handicap went from 15 to 13 in three months. I am more active but I will give all that up if I could get Pompom back.

I created Post in Heaven to leave message to Pompom everyday. It really helps. I hope he is in the better place and waiting for me. I am very sorry I could not do anything to cure his cancer. I hope he has a good life and wants to see me again. I just want to say "Thank you Pompom for being my friend."
#pompom #pompomiamhere #pompomuchikura #pompomwashere

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