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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
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What is Your Favorite American Food?

What is Your Favorite America...
What kind of American Food Do You Like? What is American Food?
Cast your vote...

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The first day of three day weekend

Today is the first day of the three day weekend. I am planning to play golf today and on Monday. It seems like a nice day today.

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SPAM is like a weed

SPAM is like a weed
When you do not take care of your yard, you get weeds on your lawn. It is like that. If you do not take care of your Blog and Bulletin Board, you will get SPAM.

Like your lawn, if there are lots of weeds, it does not look good. Your Blog does not look good if you have lots of SPAM. Please take care of your SPAM. There is only so much the systems development company like us can do.

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I am traveling to Tokyo today.

I am traveling to Tokyo today.
I am traveling to Tokyo today. I have been in Kansai where there is no effect from the earthquake and tsunami, but Tokyo is not so lucky. They are conserving electricity (I heard) to compensate for the loss of nuclear power plants. I will let you know how it is this weekend.

I will be coming back to Seattle on Tuesday.

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I have to maintain for SPAM messages. It is very unfortunate that there are people who thinks it is funny to write insulting, rude, vulgar and desecrating messages to the site like this.

I guess we are living in an imperfect world.

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Bloguru is running faster!

Bloguru is running faster!
With the upgrade we have implemented, Bloguru is running few times faster than before. Can you feel it?

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Bloguru Upgrade

We have replace the database for Bloguru today. There are few minor tuneup required to make it work 100%. We have three issues with the system. We will be completing those fixes tomorrow.

Thank you for your support.

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Does Bloguru work as SEO tool?

Does Bloguru work as SEO tool?
When you search "Car Guru Seattle" on Google, guess what you get?
How much would you pay to bet on the top of the search result?

How about "NOTHING", just your time.

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Stopping SPAM against your blog

Stopping SPAM against your blog
When you open your Bloguru to public, you are subject to SPAM attack. SPAMMERs know Bloguru provide very high SEO ranking. One of the way to stop SPAMs is to close your Bloguru to public. Here is how to make your Bloguru only available to logged in users.

(1) Select "admin home"
(2) Select "options"
(3) Select "commenting"
(4) Check "require login to comment"

Also, we are upgrading the database this week to make Bloguru more secure.

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Griot's Garage

Griot's Garage
I wen to Griot's Garage in Tacoma. Person there told me that the problem that I have on my compute is paint being shrinking (52 Years Old) and nothing I can do about it.

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