- Hashtag "#internet" returned 631 results.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
I installed Pinterest App on my iPad and logged in using Facebook. Other than nice naked lady's picture posted by Kanda San, I know him for a long time, what do I do with this? I don't undesyand it. Is it like Twitter with picture?
Pinterest の iPad アプリをインストールして Facebook のクリデンシャルでログインしてみた。何をどうしたらどうなるのかわからない。
We are currently cling up and upgrading our Bellevue HQ Data Center electric distribution. We are in the industry that require a business to continue up keeping and upgrading.
iOS update a day before I go Japan … I don't have time for this.
We are wrapping up the development on a new mailing list service.
Do you know what mailing list is?
When you create a mailing list, you assign an email address. For the sake lets call this email address group@imailinglist.com. When you send email to this group@imailinglist.com, everyone in the mailing list receives your email. When someone replies to this email, everyone again will receives email.
This is a great tool when want to communicate with group of people.
Free website building service is coming soon. When you like to the site, you can transfer it to our web hosting service for low cost.
Do not believe everything you see on the Internet. You don't really need Photoshop to fool you.
We have updated our main product website.
There is an update for iOS devices.
I updated but I cannot see any change.
It must be bug fixes.
Does PSPINC provide could computing environment?
The answer is NO. PSPINC is not in Cloud environment provider like Amazon, Microsoft and other data center company. We may use Cloud as an environment to run our application programs but we do not provide cloud as an solution.
PSPINC is an application program development and a software as a service (SaaS) company. We develop and provide software solutions to business owners. We are often asked to use Cloud as our application platform by the companies that provides Cloud environment.
Before the word Cloud was used, it used to be called Data Center. PSPINC uses Data Centers but we are not selling our Data Center. I hope this clears what we do and what our relation to Cloud business.
We are almost ready to release new web site building/hosting service. It is not a same old web site builder. It is design to create a staining one page web site without any knowledge of HTML, PHP or Photoshop.
Take a look and sign up to become a first ones to have an account. It is a FREE service too.
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