- Hashtag "#marketing" returned 1156 results.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
Can your company spend $5 per "Like" on your company Facebook page?
How about $3? How about $1?
If you are consistently updating your Facebook page and not getting enough visitors, hiring a consultant is not going to get you the quick result you want. You need more direct approach. If you want more Likes on Facebook, pay Facebook for its advertisement. If you want Google to list you higher, pay Google to list you higher. Organic growth is good, I encourage it, but you need to seed the ground first.
PSPINC has started to test Facebook Like campaign on http://www.facebook.com/hoptile site, which had only 6 Likes. After two weeks, it is approaching 1,000 Likes. We do this to promote our HopTile service, but also we wanted to know how Facebook campaign works. Once you have enough Likes to make any difference, then we talk about Conversion.
This is one of the question asked during the job interview at famous company. At least that is what I understand.
A man bought a chicken for $8.00.
He sold that chicken for $9.00 but realized there is a person who want it for higher price.
He bought that chicken back for $10.00 and sold it for $11.00.
How much did he make?
The explanation is in the comment.
Did you know there are more than 3,000,000 food trucks in the US and most of them rely on the Social media like Twitter to do the marketing. Can't we do something?
Today, we are attending the minority business fair in Bellevue.
6 to 600 in less than two weeks.
HopTile Likes has gone from 6 to 600 … This is just amazing.
It cost us less than what you think. Ask us.
We have manage to increase our likes from 169 to over 380 by running Facebook advertisement campaign with very little budget. I do recommend you do the same if you have a Facebook page. If you want to know what we did, please feel free to call us. Don't be shy … call us.
We are running a campaign to increase the number of Likes to PSPINCJP Facebook page. I took over the Facebook in the 10th and mayumi started doing low budget (less than $100) advertisement of Facebook. When I took over, we had 169 Likes and as of now we have 305. I think this is a great accomplishment.
If you need to do something like what we are doing, please call us. We will be happy to share what we have been doing.
We have showed new products to PSPINC staff today. Soon you will be hearing about it.
PSPINC is looking for shared web hosting companies to acquire. If you know of any company, please contact us.
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