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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

PSPINC Logo Update

Before Before After After
PSPINC has updated its logo.
Can you tell anything being different?

It's just a font change … I guess.
How doit it come about?

Somehow, design team used the wrong font for PSPINC stationaries and people liked it.
Do you like the change?

PSPINC のロゴに使っているフォントが変わりました。違いは小さいと思うのですが、いかがですか?
#Business #Marketing

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About Windows 8.1

About Windows 8.1
The user interface is the tool to get to your application programs. Once you are in the application program, you want to move between the application programs as quickly and seamlessly as possible without going back to the initial screen.

Start screen "KAK Metro Screen" is great for a smartphones which as very small screen. Having the open App icons line up at the bottom is great but why can't I keep all the most used App icons at the bottom and get rid Start screen. Instead, start button should show the list of Apps available.

Well, that what we had as Windows 7. PC's are not smartphones or tablets. I still like Windows XP or Windows 2000 design better.
#Business #Marketing

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Reselling Microsoft Office 365

Reselling Microsoft Office 365

Many small business IT support Companies are starting to sell Microsoft Office 365 as an alternative to Microsoft Small Business Server running Microsoft Exchange. Office 365 starts at $5.00 per month per person.

How much do you make a month selling this?
Microsoft is not going to give you all the money they get. You are lucky if you get $1 a month. Are you making enough money or you are selling it because there is nothing else.

Consider becoming PSPINC's business partner. You all receive recurring income you are looking for with better reseller and customer support than Microsoft. Give us a call and let us show you what we have for you. You will be surprised.
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Apple products are on sale at COSTCO

Apple products are on sale at... Apple products are on sale at... Apple products are on sale at...
It has been a while since iI have seen any Apple Products at Costco. I've seen them in Costco stores in Japan but not in the US. Costco dropped Apple (or Apple stop whole selling to Costco) products when Steve Jobs was still around. It it a significant changes to Apple strategy because we have never associate the word discount with Apple products. Jobs maybe very mad.
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SONY Action Camera

SONY Action Camera SONY Action Camera SONY Action Camera
A New Sony Action Camera got smaller but still missing the target.

I am sure it is a good good camera but it still missing a very important feature. Think about it, this type of camera will bet beaten up, wet, dropped, go thru mud an so on. This camera does not look well protected. It should have a full casing like GoPro.

What SONY is doing is trying to become GoPro by doing the same type of marketing as GoPro. That will not work. Here are somethings SONY should think about.

- Object Tracking
- 4 K based image stabilization
- Wireless live broadcasting
- Camera locator
- Full stereo sound recording
- Full disposable casing (inexpensive)

What do you think?
#Business #Marketing

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iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Sales in Japan

iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Sales ...
There are three cellular carriers in Japan and they are docomo, au and softbank. It appears iPhone 6 Plus are almost all sold out and only docomo (NTT Group) has any stock of iPhone 6 Plus and most of iPhone 6.
#Business #Marketing

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Alibaba Went Public Today

Alibaba Went Public Today
It's another Chinese company went public today. It is the largest IPO in the world.
I have never purchased anything at Alibaba before ... I need to take a look at it.
It is a direct competitor to Amazon ... or is it?
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iPhone 6 Now Available

iPhone 6 Now Available
I went to Toyota Dealer today. There is an AU shop within it.
There is nobody lining up at this AU store and there are some already available.
Because this is an AU store you cannot buy a SIM FREE version.

I heard iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are cheaper in Japan than anywhere else in the world because of weaker Yen. There are many Chinese people lining up to buy iPhone 6 in Japan.
#Business #Marketing

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Product Image

Product Image Product Image
When the guys building the skateboard ramp wears a hard hat with GoPro logo on it, GoPro must be doing their marketing right. This is what Marketing is all about. Anybody can spend money to advertise but only when people starting to place their logo on the objects without getting paid, the marketing is called successful.

Look at cars and you see Apple, GoPro, Red Bull Logos. They sure have success marketing going.
#Business #Marketing

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.?

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.?
Why are we called Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.?
It is a funny name for Web Hosting Company, isn't it?
Name of the company should reflect what the company do.

When we started our business back in 1987, we licensed PC software and localize them into Japanese Language and publish them in Japan. That was how our business started and that is why our name is Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
#Business #Marketing

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