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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Growing The Company

Growing The Company
You can grow your company organically but sometimes there are opportunities to acquire the companies. However, even though both companies are in the same industry, the culture and the way both operate business can be very different. So, it is one thing to acquire a company but merging with it is completely different.

PSPinc has acquire some hosting clients from other companies ... After few years, we are still merging them into our business. Is it worth the trouble ... Yes, but it is a hard work.

I flew Viergin and Alaska yesterday ... They are completely different.
#pspinc #valueproposition

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Company Lunch

Company Lunch Company Lunch
This is our GO TO menu for company lunch.

Mediterranean Kitchen, Inc. - Bellevue
#bellevue #pspinc #valueproposition

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A Day Trip to San Francisco

A Day Trip to San Francisco A Day Trip to San Francisco A Day Trip to San Francisco A Day Trip to San Francisco A Day Trip to San Francisco A Day Trip to San Francisco A Day Trip to San Francisco A Day Trip to San Francisco
It was a really beautiful day at San Francisco. I was there with my patent attorney for the meeting with a bank. Silence I got complete ownership of the patent, I am now free to communicate with potential customers.

It is good to meet and talk to people in the banking industry where my patent should be useful. After the meeting, we had little time, so we waked to Fisherman's Warf for cram chowder and fish and chip dinner.

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Is this the latest in Golf Cart Technology?

Is this the latest in Golf Cart T...
#uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Sake in The US

Sake in The US Sake in The US Sake in The US Sake in The US Sake in The US Sake in The US
The sake selection in the US is as great as in Japan. Sake is sort of booming in the US.

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PSP Children's Foundation Inauguration Golf Tournament

PSP Children's Foundation Inau...
We are still 6 months away but we only have 5 more hole sponsor spots left for this inauguration event. 100% of the tournament related cost are paid by PSPinc and all the money we collect will be donated to the cause.

This year we are granting 5 x $5000 scholarship to University of Washington Foster School of Business. If you are interested in becoming the hole sponsor, please click the link below.

100% of your donation is tax deductible. PSP Children's Foundation is a federally registered 501(c)(3) organization.

PSP Children's Foundation
#2017GolfTournament #PSPChildrensFoundation #valueproposition

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Out Fast Internet is Back Again!

Out Fast Internet is Back Again!
Thanks to our network engineers, we have gotten the faster Internet speed back.
Good job guys!!!
#pspinc #valueproposition

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Dear Internet Professionals.

Dear Internet Professionals.
Thank you for flowing me. Many of you are web development and Internet marketing professionals. I am on the web & email hosting, datacenter operation business. What can I do to earn your business. Tell me why you host with your current providers?
#pspinc #seattleitpros #valueproposition

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Please think before you repost. Thank you.

Please think before you repost...
There are many things that you read on the Internet which are FAKE. Just think and verify if you can be fore you repost.
#FakeNews #valueproposition

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Dinner with New Friends

From the left K... From the left

Ken Uchikura ... Me!
Sayuri Tanaka … Miss Sake 2016
Sumiko Midorikawa ... PSPinc
Nobuaki Aiba … Miss Sake Executive Director
Dr. Tadao Kobayashi … Osaka University PhD
Social Media Works!!!

Dr. Kobayashi contacted me through Social Media and met him in Japan last week. When we met, he introduced me to Mr. Aiba, the executive director of Miss SAKE. We had about 30 minutes of conversation last week.

Well, they came over to Seattle with Ms. Tanaka, Miss SAKE 2016. I showed them around Seattle and had wonderful dinner two night ago. They are on their official business yesterday and today. It was really nice to meet them and spend some time together.
#MissSAKE2016 #valueproposition

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