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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


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Something You Might Find Interesting

Something You Might Find Inter...
In Japanese culture, "Services (サービス)" are considered something you don't have to pay for. Other words, if you use the word "Service" as a verb in Japanese, you are asking for something for free.

For instance, restaurant sign says "Drink Service" … It means, drinks are free provided you buy a meal. You can also say "Can you do this as a service?" That means, what you are asking is "Can you do this for free."

Why is that?

Well, in Japanese culture. good service is something you expect and is included in the price. Also, service often does not include physical item (labor is not an item in Japanese culture), and people do not pay for something you cannot see or touch.

This may be one of the reasons why you don't tip in Japan. So, be careful when you use the service in Japan. They may interpret it as something you give for free.
#Life #Politics #Society

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GEICO Advertisement

GEICO Advertisement
Does this advertisement really work?
I wonder?
The fact that I am talking about it on my Blog is the proof the ad. is working.

Dod you know GEICO stands for "Government Employee Insurance Company"?
#Business #Marketing

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Sleepy Sunday

Sleepy Sunday Sleepy Sunday Sleepy Sunday
Relaxing in the middle of three day weekend.

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