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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Golf Today

Golf Today
I played golf today at Aldarra. I shot 41/46 = 87 from the championship tee. I played well today.

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Does PSPINC design & Develop Web Site?

Does PSPINC design & De...
This is the picture of whiteboard that show the current web development projects. Do we design & Develop web sites? The answer is YES.

Do I create a web site personally ... Yes, but not very well. We have designers and developers who can take care of them little better that I can.
#Business #Marketing

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I lied ...

I lied ...
Yesterday I wrote PSPINC is the eighth largest web developing company in the State of Washington. Sorry that was two years ago, we are 12th largest web development company in the State of Washington.

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First MSN Offer ...

First MSN Offer ...
I received the first MSN Offer in my email box this morning. I don't know why I want this or why there is only 30% discount. I'r rather see restaurant discounts. Anyway, Microsoft had to start what others are doing ... very lame. Come on Microsoft, you can do better than this. You are the largest software developer in the world ... I'd like to see something more technical from you.
#Business #Marketing

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Does PSPINC create web site?

Does PSPINC create web site?
Yes, PSPINC design and develop web site. We are ranked 8th largest web development company in the State of Washington. But we do not stop there. We teach entrepreneurs how to develop and maintain web site for free.
#Computer #Internet

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Seattle Paid Sick Leave Ordinance

Seattle Paid Sick Leave Ordina...
City of Seattle is implementing the paid sick leave ordinance starting September 1, 2012. I personally think the city should not be regulation what business should do. But they do have nothing better to do than trying get more people to like then of that they get votes.

There are exceptions this ... If the company is unionized, you do not have to implement this rule. What is with that?

I wonder if this apples to professionals like football players ... They can take 6 paid sick leaves without penalty. Is that mean they can miss 6 home games out of 8? Oh, they are union house ... I forgot.

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Official Photographer

Official Photographer
Bruce Johnson of Rowland Studio is the official photographer of Seattle Executives Association. He is the most dedicated profession I know anywhere. He is working (walking too) within 2 weeks of knee replacement surgery. He is a superman or he knows no pain.

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Tiny and Thunder

Tiny and Thunder
Tiny really does not like thunder ... He is under the desk now.
#Animals #Pets

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Classification Talk

Classification Talk
Mayumi Nakamura, President of PSPINC, will be doing the classification talk at the Seattle Executives Association luncheon today. Seattle Executives Association is 95 year old premiere business to business networking organization with over 100 members meeting every Wednesday. PSPINC has been a member since 2003.
#Business #Marketing

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Good Housekeeping

Good Housekeeping
There are many web sites that has lots and lots of information. Some web sites have hundreds of pages that owner think it is important for their customer to know.

I am sorry to tell you, you can not be more wrong. If you need to give information to a customer, instead of making it on the web site, create a link for people to download eBook and PDF files. People will not spend hours reading your web site.

Besides, having too much information makes your web site very cluttered and complicated. You do want your audience to get the message as quickly and easily as possible. That will make it easier for the search site to rate you as well.
#Computer #Internet

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