Sunrise 今日の日の出(2023.12.03)TimeLaps😊

Today's sunrise was captured; frost has formed on the neighboring rooftop, and the
outside temperature is 3°C.
Prevention of condensation on the camera became necessary.

This morning, the sunrise was successfully photographed.
The sunrise position is approaching the southernmost point, but the rate of descent is
decreasing rapidly.
It will be about a month before the northward movement begins.


わかお かずまさ


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How wonderful!
How long does it take to move the distance of itself size?
It takes 2 minutes,doesn't it?
Posted at 2023-12-03 01:36

People Who Wowed This Post

How long does it take to move the distance of Sun size?
It takes 2 minutes,doesn't it?
Posted at 2023-12-03 02:01

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