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PSPINC Official Company Blog


PSPINC will help your business thrive by providing for all of your technology needs. We offer a wide array of products, including Web & Email Hosting, Website Design, Custom Development, Email Marketing, a number of additional business tools, technical support, and so much more. Visit to learn more.

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Your Website: Smart Functionality

Your Website: Smart Functional...
Whether you’re starting to design a website from scratch or considering improvements to what you have, think about websites you like to visit. What kind of website looks professional to you? What kind of website makes you feel comfortable and secure?

The first thing to consider is your domain. Is your URL address easy to remember? Is it easy to spell? Avoid a domain name with too many words and try to avoid hyphens altogether. A good rule of thumb to remember: if you tell someone to visit your domain and they can’t write it down, is it simple enough for them to recall from memory?

Keep your navigation menu as simple as possible. It looks cleaner, organized and professional. Remember to have contact information easily visible, but links to your blog, store hours or testimonials can be placed at the footer of your site.

Today, many people are searching and shopping on their devices, so it’s more critical than ever to have a mobile-responsive website design. This is where your website adapts to the screen size on which it’s viewed. Make sure all your links and forms are working in all versions of your site.

Finally, we recommend having an “About” section that tells a brief history and shares your company values or mission statement, so your customers can gain more trust in you by having a better understanding of who you are.
#Blog #BusinessTips #ENnews #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology #WebHosting #WebTools #Websites

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Life is better when somebody else can design it!

Life is better when somebody ...
Designing websites can be overwhelming, at PSPinc we can do the heavy lifting for you! We listen to your needs and come up with a solution personally tailored for your business. Contact us to learn more about how we can help design your next big project!

1-800-232-3989 / 425-957-0808

#WebDevelopmentWashington #dreamersi #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc

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Web Mial Upgrade and Maintenance Announcement

Dear customers

Thank you very much for using PSPinc service.
We are always looking at improving our services to you.
As such, we will be conducting web mail server maintenance as per the below schedule.

* USA Pacific Daylight Time
-October 11 (Fri) 20:00-20:30

*Japan time
-October 12 (Sat) 12:00-12:30

* Details: Server redundant environment verification
* Purpose: Strengthen the support in case of server failure

You will not be able to access webmail sometimes during the maintenance, but you will not lose your emails.
If you have any question, please contact us at 1-800-232-3989 or email us at



* アメリカ西海岸時間夏時間
  - 10月11日 (金) 20:00−20:30
* 日本時間
  - 10月12日 (土)12:00-12:30
* 実施内容:サーバ冗長環境整備
* 目的:サーバ障害発生時の体制強化

ご不明な点がございましたら、425-957-0808、もしくは、 まで日本語でお問い合わせ下さい。
#DomaiWebEmailHosting #Dreamersi #PacificSoftwarePublishing #blog #businesstips #ennews #pspinc #smallbusiness #technology #webhosting #webtools

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Gage your Customers' Temperature!

Know your customer!!! Know your customer!!!
Opinion Stand is design to gage your customers' opinion of your establishment. You have seen this type of system already and you know it works. Why don't you try it for your establishment?

If you are interested, please call us at 1-800-232-3989 or contact us at
We will be happy to explain about the system.
#OpinionStand #OpinionStandKiosk #PSPinc #PacificSoftwarePublishing #SaaS

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DIY a Professional Website

DIY a Professional Website
In 2019 a professional website is easy to come by at just about any budget. Even if you don’t sell online and have no need for an e-commerce site, your brick and mortar store should still have an online presence – otherwise you may be selling yourself short. You may be missing out on exposure from potential customers who are searching online for a business like yours.

A website doesn’t have to be elaborate with many pages or functionalities. It can be a few simple pages with great imagery, information about your business, and contact information for how and where you can be reached.

Let’s say you own a small yoga studio. A website would serve as a place where people can learn about the different types of classes you offer with details about your schedule, rates, location, contact info, liability info, photos of your studio, info on what to wear or bring, and more. For people who find your website online, you’ve just answered a lot of questions for them before they ever stepped foot inside your building. Your website is your best opportunity for a great first impression.

At PSP, we have a smart program called Dreamersi, offering web and email hosting for just $250 a year. This plan includes:

- Free domain with hosting plan
- 1 Website
- 10 GB Web Space
- Free WebdeXpress Website Builder
- Easy WordPress Install
- Website Reporting
- SSL Certificate (add-on)
- Secure Hosting Environment
- 24/7 Monitoring
- 10 GB Email Space
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Online Webmail
- Website & Email Backup
- Privacy Protection (add-on)

We’ve made it easy to get your website up and running. You can choose to build it yourself, or if you prefer help, let’s talk about customization options. We’re here to get your business noticed online. Follow along this month as we continue to give tips on designing a smart website for your small business.
#Blog #BusinessTips #ENnews #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology #WebHosting #WebTools #Website

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Best Domain + Web + Email Hosting

Your online presence starts h... Your online presence starts here!
What sets Dreamersi apart from other hosting companies is our superior customer service. We offer 24/7 support to our clients, and you'll speak to a real person, not some automated machine.

Get your 20% Off Coupon here!

#blog #businesstips #dreamersi #ennews #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc #smallbusiness #technology #webhosting #webtools

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Celebrate Diversity in the Workplace

image source: image source:
Recently, PSP was named one of Washington State’s Largest Minority-Owned Companies by the Puget Sound Business Journal. Diversity in the workplace is something we value as a company, and something we also like to celebrate.

Here are some simple ways your office can celebrate diversity too:

A Bulletin Board. Set up a bulletin board in the break room or a main hallway and highlight employees with pictures and a short bio. You might also hang a world map and invite employees to pin their birthplace. Brag about the number of languages spoken in your office by advertising the count on the board.

Holidays. Acknowledge multicultural religious or holiday celebrations in your office by keeping them on your calendar and asking how employees (who take part) plan to celebrate. Be mindful and respectful of those days when scheduling meetings and allow employees flexibility if needed.

Staff Lunches. Host occasional lunches for your staff featuring foods from different cultures. Consider hosting a staff potluck and ask employees if they wish to bring a common or favorite dish from their country of origin. While indulging in a delicious lunch, you could also ask employees (make it optional, with advance warning) if they wish to share an aspect of their culture others may not know about.

Consulting. Consider hiring someone who is an expert in diversity training to help improve mutually-respectful communication throughout your office.

Survey. Send out an anonymous survey to your staff asking for their ideas too! You may be surprised at the response you get back, and bring in some new ideas. But most importantly, your employees might appreciate that you’re thinking of ways to celebrate diversity and appreciate their unique cultural differences.
#Blog #BusinessTips #CelebrateDiversity #Diversity #ENnews #Inclusion #MinorityOwnedBusiness #PSPinc #SmallBusiness #Technology

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Try our easy to use CRM software at no charge.
This is not a trial version. It is full functional system.

#PilotCRM #PacificSoftwarePublishingInc #PSPinc #FreeSoftware #SoftwareAsAService #SaaSCRM
#PilotCRM #blog #businesstips #dreamersi #ennews #pacificsoftwarepublishing #pspinc #smallbusiness #technology #webhosting #webtools

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Email not shown from July 6

There was a problem with the earl server which reverted back to July 5 backup. That caused few customers to be able to see only emails amp to July 5. The problem has been fixed. However, the emails between last night and this morning have gone to the old servers. We will start recovering once all email service are normal.

There is no email loss.

We are very sorry for inconvenience. If you have question, please email to
#PacificSoftwarePublishing #dreamersi #pspinc

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Mail Inbox Non-Display Issues

We have no more report on this issue. We have looked at our system and system logs and found no error. It may have been caused by sporadic heavy traffic. We will keep our eyes on it.
#PacificSoftwarePublishing #dreamersi #pspinc

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