Learning how to Coach in English ("Brilliant Coaching", Day2), Engagement
I am an executive coach supporting and encouraging people who work in companies or organizations.
Let me put some key points about coaching at work while reading the book titled "Brilliant Coaching" by Julia Starr.
Chapter 2. Coaching vs. Engagement
- Coaching is a critical link in the need to engage people
- "Engagement" is the willingness to invest oneself and expand one's discretionary effort to help the employer/organization succeed.
- Our sense of engagement involves our head and our heart; just because we may logically know we should do something, does not instantly make us joyful at the prospect of that.
- Coaching conversations enable engagement:
- "Coaching behavior" vs. "Link to engagement"
"active listening, seeking first to understand" vs. "helps people feel valued, promotes
openness and trust"
"active inquiry (use of open question), facilitating the thoughts of another"
vs. "challenges people to think and express themselves more clearly"
"encourage someone to think and act for themselves" vs. "affirms responsibility, ownership and empowerment, accelerates learning and develpment
That's all for today. See you tomorrow!
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