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PHP Day 26 Header/Footer File Loading

include.php include.php header.php header.php footer.php footer.php Output Output
This is how you load header and footer files.
This is very useful.
#learningphp #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Kiroboto - Pre-Beta Seattle Relese

Kiroboto - Pre-Beta Seattle Rel...
When I try setting up a site to sell/advertise products and services online, I learned it is not easy. Why can't I just list what I want to sell online?

That is the basic idea behind Kiroboto. With Kiroboto, you can just register you or your company and start posting products and services for FREE. No string attached. You can write a link to your website, eBay listing or Amazon listing if you want. There is no fee. On top of the Kiroboto carries no advertisement.

We just released the first public pre-beta release for Seattle area only. Please try it. And if you have question, contact me at ken Uchikura.
#kiroboto #marketing #onlinesales #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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RING Door Bell / Security System

RING Door Bell / Security Sys...
I am installing RING DOOR BELL Security System this weekend.

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PHP Learning

PHP Learning
You may have noticed that I have slow down the progress of PHP learning. It is not because I am getting lazy, but I am requiring more time to understand what I am doing.

File uploading is a very important feature of any program. I want t make sure I understand it.
#learningphp #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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PHP Day 25-1 File Upload

PHP Day 25-1 File Upload Source Source Form Form Result Result
This was one of the hardest to make it work.
#learningphp #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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KIROBOTO is Online

KIROBOTO is Online
We just made Kiroboto online.
You still do not know what it is ... I will explain what it is in next few weeks.

Just visit it ... and if you have a chance, register. It is free (forever.)
#kiroboto #marketing #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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Tim Girvin

Tim Girvin
Do you know who Tim Girvin is?

He is a good friend of me and PSPinc. I will introduce you more on my social media. So for now, just remember his name and if you have time look up his name on the Internet.
#TimGirvin #marketing #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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PHP Day 24-2 Retain entered values...

Source Source Partial entry Partial entry Full entry Full entry
This is interesting what to retain data.
#learningphp #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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PHP Day 24-1 Submit and Display with one PHP File

Source Source Form Display Form Display Processing Form Processing Form
I guess you don't need two files.
#learningphp #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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IBM and AI

IBM and AI IBM and AI
In May, Warren Buffett sent Wall Street into a frenzy when he sold a third of Berkshire Hathaway's stake in IBM. In response to his decision, Buffett stated, "I don't value IBM the same way that I did six years ago when I started buying...I've revalued it somewhat downward."


It is funny ... IBM has recorded 21 consecutive quarter of lost revenue. And their AI business is very slow growing in the US. However, in Japan, AI is somewhat a boom. Japan always adopt the latest and greatest before it is proven. They always waste a lot of money and effort.
#marketing #uchikuraco #valueproposition

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