Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 121 ワシントン州 最大級 アニメイベント Sakura-Con (ワシントンしゅう さいだいきゅう アニメイベント サクラコン)

ワシントン州 最大級 アニメイベント Sakura-Con (ワシントンしゅう さいだいきゅう アニメイベント サクラコン)

ドラゴンボールやドラえもんをはじめとする、『漫画(まんが)』や『アニメ』は日本(にほん)のポップカルチャーの代表(だいひょう)として、(くに)()え、海外(かいがい)でも(あい)されるものとなりました。弊社(へいしゃ)本社(ほんしゃ)のあるワシントン(しゅう)では、先日(せんじつ)2(ねん)ぶりにSakura-Con というアニメイベントが開催(かいさい)され、2(まん)(にん)以上(いじょう)(かた)参加(さんか)されたそうです。



Sakura-Con: Washington State’s Largest Anime Event

While anime and manga are big proponents of Japanese pop culture, their popularity has expanded to the states. Particularly with titles like Dragon Ball Z and Doraemon. Recently, an anime event called Sakura-con, held in Washington State, where our headquarters is located, returned for the first time in two years. And more than 20,000 people attended the event.

The price of admission ranged between $50 to $80, and people could either buy tickets in advance or on-site. From Friday to Sunday, visitors could attend a variety of events during the day and night. Events included anime-themed concerts, panels with popular voice actors, and anime merchandise booths. On the event days, you'll also see many cosplayers around town as many people also participate by dressing up as their favorite characters.

Are there any events like that in your area?

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Image via Flickr

Nihonde wa `kōrei-ka' to iu jinkō no heikin nenrei ga zōka shite iru genshō ga genzai demo mondai ni natte imasu. 60-Dai ka ijō no hito wa nipponzenkoku no jinkō no 3-wari ni chikadzuite imasu.

The phenomenon of "aging" in Japan, the increase in the average age of the population, is still a problem today; people in their 60s or older now account for close to 30% of the nation's population.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 120 金箔 (きんぱく)


金箔(きんぱく)とは、(きん)をおよそ10,000 (ぶん)の1 ミリの(うす)さにまで()()ばしたものです。歴史(れきし)(ふる)く、7世紀(せいき)(まつ)(ごろ)から存在(そんざい)確認(かくにん)されており、現在(げんざい)、98% ~99% の金箔(きんぱく)金沢(かなざわ)で(石川県(いしかわけん)) 生産(せいさん)されているそうです。使用(しよう)方法(ほうほう)様々(さまざま)で、文化財(ぶんかざい)修繕(しゅうぜん)伝統(でんとう)工芸(こうげい)(ひん)だけでなく、()(もの)化粧品(けしょうひん)にも使用(しよう)されています。値段(ねだん)販売(はんばい)(もと)によって(こと)なりますが、食用(しょくよう)商品(しょうひん)()されたものは0.05g 千(えん)程度(ていど)購入(こうにゅう)可能(かのう)です。


Gold Leaf

Gold leaf has a long history and dates back to the end of the seventh century. Today, about 98 to 99% is produced in Kanazawa (in the Ishikawa Prefecture). To make gold leaf, professionals hammer gold into a thin sheet that is about 1/10,000 millimeters thick.

Other than just repairing cultural assets and traditional crafts, people can use gold leaf in a variety of ways. Including cosmetics and food consumption. While the price can vary depending on the seller, those commercialized for food cost about $1,000 yen for 0.05 grams.

In Kanazawa, sponge cakes and other dishes with gold leaf on top are popular among tourists. Because it makes food look gorgeous, it’s recommended for those who want to add a luxurious touch to their dishes.

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日本(にっぽん)では(たたみ)などがあり、かしこまった場面(ばめん)では正座(せいざ)を する必要(ひつよう)がある(とき)があります。

Nippon de wa tatami nado ga ari, kashikomatta bamen de wa seiza o suru hitsuyō ga aru toki ga arimasu.

In Japan, there are tatami mats, etc., and there are times when it is necessary to sit on the floor in formal situations.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 119 日本の祝日『こどもの日』 (にほんのしゅくじつ『こどものひ』)

日本の祝日『こどもの日』 (にほんのしゅくじつ『こどものひ』)




Children’s Day: A Japanese Holiday

Children's Day is one of the Japan’s national holidays which was first established in 1948. Children's Day is a day to respect children's personalities, to be happy, and to thank their mothers. As a way of celebrating, it is common to hang the windsocks of koinobori outside, which are cloth streamers in the shape of a carp. Japanese people also celebrate this holiday by decorating gogatsu ningyo dolls, which are dolls wearing armor and helmets to look like warriors. Depending on the region, you may put up something different. In addition, many people may eat kashiwa mochi, which is a traditional Japanese rice cake filled with red bean paste, which is also wrapped by oak leaves. The oak leaves are added as a symbol of "prosperity of offspring."

We hope you all have a good holiday in Japan!

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Ryogoku Nigiwai Festival (両国にぎわい祭り)

Popular Chanko (Kokugikan venue) - via On-Japan.com

kokugikan de kaisaisareru kono sutori-to fyesuthibaru de wa, o sumō san to furea tari, masukotto to hagu o shi tari suru koto ga dekimasu. JR Ryōgokueki shūhen de wa, taiko no ensō ya sōgonna kimono sugata no utaite nado, ōku no pafuxo-ma- ga tōjōshimasu.

This street festival offers public access to the Kokugikan Stadium where you can meet sumos and hug sumo mascots. Located around the JR Ryogoku station there are many performers such as taiko drumming and majestic kimono dressed singers.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 118 ジャパンレールパス (JR パス)

ジャパンレールパス (JR パス)

ジャパンレールパス(JR パス) をご(ぞん)じでしょうか?観光(かんこう)日本(にほん)(おとず)れる外国人(がいこくじん)日本(にほん)国外(こくがい)に10(ねん)以上(いじょう)在住(ざいじゅう)している日本人(にほんじん)利用(りよう)できるJR グループが提供(ていきょう)しているもので、日本(にほん)国内(こくない)旅行(りょこう)にお使(つか)いいただけるお(とく)便利(べんり)なパスです。

JR グループが運営(うんえい)している新幹線(しんかんせん)(ふく)鉄道(てつどう)、バス、フェリーで使用(しよう)することができます。使用(しよう)したい期間(きかん)(7,14または21日間(にちかん)) によって値段(ねだん)(こと)なります。(おお)くの(えき)自動(じどう)改札機(かいさつき)設置(せっち)されていますので、そこにパスを挿入(そうにゅう)して改札(かいさつ)通過(つうか)します。(つぎ)日本(にほん)にお()しの(さい)は、JR パスを利用(りよう)して日本(にほん)名所(めいしょ)(おとず)れてみてはいかがでしょうか。

弊社(へいしゃ)はJR パス販売(はんばい)代理店(だいりてん)のアフィリエイトプログラムに参加(さんか)しています。ご購入(こうにゅう)こちらから。

The Japan Rail Pass

Have you heard of the Japan Rail Pass (JR Pass)? It’s a cheap and convenient way to travel through Japan. It’s offered by the Japan Railway Group (JR Group), which is made up of six companies. The Japan Rail Pass is only available to foreigners visiting Japan for sightseeing or Japanese living as a permanent resident in other countries. So, if you don’t meet those requirements, you’ll be unable to pick it up or exchange it.

Travelers can use these passes on railways, busses, and ferry boats. Each pass allows customers to use it for a specific period of time. The options include 7-day, 14-day and 21-day pass, with the seven-day pass being the cheapest option. To use a JR Pass, many stations have an automatic ticket gate where people can insert the pass into the slot. This makes it easy for travelers to see everything Japan has to offer. So, consider getting a JR Pass the next time you’re going to Japan and purchase from here. In fact, we've joined the affiliate program.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 117 ゴールデンウィーク


・4(がつ)29(にち)((きん)) 昭和(しょうわ)()
・4(がつ)30(にち)(()) 通常(つうじょう)休日(きゅうじつ)
・5(がつ)1(たち)  ((にち)) 通常(つうじょう)休日(きゅうじつ)
・5(がつ)2()((げつ)) 平日(へいじつ)
・5(がつ)3()(()) 憲法(けんぽう)記念(きねん)()
・5(がつ)4()((すい)) みどりの()
・5(がつ)5()((もく)) こどもの()


Golden Week

In Japan, there is a holiday that occurs at the end of April until the beginning of May called Golden Week. This is also classified as a national holiday in Japan, meaning that offices are closed during this time. Many Japanese citizens travel during this time. However, they were unable to due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. This year, many people are taking the opportunity to travel now that those restrictions have been lifted.

Golden Week consists of four distinct holidays. The first is on April 29th, known as Showa Day. The name refers to Japan’s former emperor, Emperor Showa, and the day honors his birthday. Next is Constitution Day, which takes place on May 3rd. Like its name suggests, it commemorates the declaration on Japan’s Constitution from 1947. Then, they celebrate nature by taking trips to the countryside on May 4th, otherwise known as Greenery Day. Lastly, there’s Children’s Day, which is celebrated on May 5th. And there are many special events as well as outdoor attractions that only offer free admissions during this holiday, especially on Greenery Day and Children’s Day.

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Inuyama Festival (犬山祭)

KKPCW, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

1635 nen irai, 4 tsuki no saisho no shūmatsu ni Aichiken Inuyamashi de Inuyamasai ga kaisaisareteimasu. shinai o neriaruku 13 dai no 3 kaidate dashi ni wa, sorezore 365 ko no chōchin ga tomosaremasu.

Since 1635, on the first weekend of April, the Inuyama Festival has been held in at the Inuyama city, Aichi prefecture.
The parade through the city has 13 three-storied floats which are lit by 365 Japanese lanterns each.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 116 「Forum (フォーラム・掲示板) 」ページでおしゃべりをしましょう!

「Forum (フォーラム・掲示(けいじ)(ばん)) 」ページでおしゃべりをしましょう!

Japanese-Online には、Forum (フォーラム・掲示(けいじ)(ばん)) ページがあるのはご(ぞん)じですか?
Forum への参加(さんか)はユーザ登録(とうろく)必要(ひつよう)です。皆様(みなさま)のご参加(さんか)をお()ちしております。

Did you know that Japanese-Online has a Forum page?

On the Forum page, you can add a topic you want to chat about such as "What is your favorite anime?".
Or you can comment on topics you’re interested in. Then, you can easily chat with other users.
To join the Forum, you’ll need to be a registered user. We look forward to reading all about your interests.

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