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Nippon ni wa ikutsu ka no kofun ga ari, sorera wa kodai no kenryokusha no haka de aru to sareteimasu. mottomo yūmeina no wa Ōsaka ni aru Daisenryō kofun desu.

There are several Kofun in Japan, which are believed to be the ancient tombs of authorities. The most famous is the Daisenryo Kofun in Osaka.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 124 各国の通勤について(かっこくのつうきんについて)


アメリカでは、NY などの一部(いちぶ)都市(とし)(のぞ)き、(おお)くの地域(ちいき)(くるま)通勤(つうきん)一般的(いっぱんてき)です。また、リモートから社員(しゃいん)をオフィスに()(もど)会社(かいしゃ)()えてきており、パンデミック(ちゅう)には()られなかったラッシュ()渋滞(じゅうたい)発生(はっせい)しています。日本(にほん)都市部(としぶ)にお()まいの(かた)ですと、電車(でんしゃ)通勤(つうきん)をされる(かた)(おお)いかと(おも)います。一方(いっぽう)ヨーロッパでは地球(ちきゅう)温暖化(おんだんか)抑制(よくせい)のため、自転車(じてんしゃ)通勤(つうきん)推進(すいしん)されており、それが浸透(しんとう)(はじ)めている(くに)もあるようです。


Commuting in Different Countries

In the wake of the pandemic, many of you switched to working remotely. In many countries, people have accepted that Covid-19 is just a part of our lives now. So, we’re all gradually returning to our daily routines.

In many parts of the U.S., other than a few states like New York, commuting by car is the norm. Currently, a lot of companies are switching back to working on-site, resulting in rush hour traffic jams that didn’t exist during lockdown. If you live in an urban area in Japan, you probably commute by train. On the other hand, Europe promotes commuting by bicycle to reduce global warming. So, that’s also becoming more popular in other countries.

Just by looking at one aspect of "commuting," we can learn about the culture and characteristics of each country.

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岡田悠子, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

6 tsuki jōjun kara chūjun nikakete 10 nichikan niwatatte kaisaisareru o matsuri desu. ibento ya yatai ga moridakusan desu. mein ibento no Shinkōsai wa, Edo jidai no ishō o mi ni matotta shinshoku ga, mikoshi totomoni nagai gyōretsu o tsukurimasu.

This 10 day long festival begins early to mid June. There is lots of events and food stalls. The main event is Shinkosai which is a long procession of priests that wear Edo Period costumes with Mikoshi.

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ra-men ya soba toitta men o taberu tokini susuru koto wa Nippon de wa futsū desu.

It is common in Japan to slurp noodles such as ramen and buckwheat.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 123 オンライン漫画サービス(オンラインまんがサービス)


海外(かいがい)在住(ざいじゅう)(かた)ですと、日本(にほん)普及(ふきゅう)しているアプリはダウンロードできないと(おも)われている(かた)(おお)いかと(おも)いますが、そんなことはありません。日本(にほん)のアプリでも、海外(かいがい)展開(てんかい)しているものも(おお)くありますので、まずは検索(けんさく)してみてください。また、VPN サービスを使用(しよう)日本(にほん)のIP アドレスからアクセスも可能(かのう)かと(おも)います。


Reading Manga Online

The Japanese manga publishing industry produces a wide variety of manga genres, including shonen (boys) and shojo (girls) magazines, fit for many different types of customers. A decade ago, people commonly read manga on paper. But in today’s digitized world, you can now read manga online. Additionally, manga’s also gotten more popular as there are now more web comic distribution sites and a growing number of readers.

If you live overseas, you might not realize that you can download popular apps in Japan, but you can. In fact, there are many Japanese apps available for users overseas, you just need to search for them. You may even be able to access them from a Japanese IP address using a VPN service.

Manga written in Japanese is now easily accessible by people living overseas. So, we encourage all of you to discover and read your favorite manga.

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Okayu wa Nihon no beihan no isshu de, yawarakaku shōka ni yoi no ga tokuchōdesu. Nyūyōji ya byōnin ni tabe saseru koto ga ōidesu.

'Okayu' is a type of Japanese rice dish that is soft and easy to digest. It is often fed to infants and sick people.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 122 海外でも人気を集める鬼滅の刃(かいがいでもにんきをあつめるきめつのやいば)


(とき)大正時代(たいしょうじだい)(ごろ)(おに)によって家族(かぞく)(うしな)った主人公(しゅじんこう)(たん)次郎(じろう)が、鬼殺(きさつ)(たい)()ばれる組織(そしき)隊員(たいいん)出会(であ)い、(おに)になってしまった(いもうと)人間(にんげん)(もど)方法(ほうほう)(さが)すため、(おに)()りになる決意(けつい)をします。 映画(えいが)では、(たん)次郎(じろう)(おに)()りとなった(あと)(おに)(あらわ)れるという無限(むげん)列車(れっしゃ)での(たたか)いを中心(ちゅうしん)(えが)かれています。


アメリカにお()まいの(かた)は、Netflix (ネットフリックス) で映画(えいが)内容(ないよう)(つづ)くアニメを視聴(しちょう)することが可能(かのう)ですので、ご興味(きょうみ)のある(かた)はぜひチェックしてみて(くだ)さい。

The Popularity of Demon Slayer Overseas

You may remember that Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train surpassed 40 billion yen in box-office revenue in 2020. Unsurprisingly, Japan isn’t the only place where it’s broadcasted. The movie’s been broadcasted in more than 40 countries around the world, including the United States and Taiwan. And Demon Slayer not only became popular in Japan, but also in other many other countries around the world.

The story follows the main character, Tanjirô, during the Taisho era (1912-1926) after he loses his family to demons. Then, he meets a member of Kitsatsu-tai, an organization, and becomes a demon slayer to figure out a way to turn his sister, a demon, back into human form. The movie focuses on rumors of demons being around after Tanjirô becomes a demon slayer.

In addition to the interesting plot and appealing characters, the film’s gained international attention for various aspects. Namely the kimono motif of the costumes and the special fighting moves using blades.

If you live in the United States, you can watch the anime that follows the story from the Demon Slayer movie on Netflix.

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日本語: 酒田まつりの黒い獅子舞

1609 nen kara tsuzuku Sakata matsuri wa, 3 nichikan niwatatte kaisaisaremasu. kyodaina shishi no atama o motsu dashi ya, sharin no tsuita yuni-kuna dashi nado ga midokoro desu.

The Sakata festival has been around since 1609 and is a three-day event. Most notable attractions are the giant lion head floats and unique wheeled floats.

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shintō wa Nippon koyū no shūkyō de, kyōso ya kyōten ga arimasen. jinja de wa shintō no kamisama o ogamimasu.

Shinto is a religion unique to Japan and has no guru or scripture. Shinto deities are worshipped at shrines.

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