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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Why Should You Consider PSPINC...

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Why Should You Consider PSPI...
Why Should You Consider PSPINC for your Web and Email Hosting?
Aren’t all hosting companies basically the same? If so, why shouldn’t you just choose the cheapest option for your web and email? This argument would be valid if the idea that “all hosting companies are the same” was true, but that is just not the case. When you look at websites of hosting companies, they all look alike. In fact, even I can’t tell why some hosting companies’ prices are so much different from others.
So we should really look at the history of web and email outsourcing. When we started our hosting business in 1996, we provided a mere 10MB of web and 10MB of email storage for $75 per month, which was very inexpensive at the time. Currently, we provide 1,000 times the space for both web and email for about $21 per month. If you were to pay the same rate as you were 1996, your current service from PSPINC would cost $75,000. This means we have reduced our price 99.972% in last 16 years.
One reason we could do this is because we build all our infrastructure and back-end software ourselves. We own and constantly update and upgrade our software and hardware to remain up-to-date and competitive without over-spending. We do not license software from other companies. We are primarily a hosting company, but we are also a software development company with almost 25 years of industry experience. We have been building software since the days of MD-DOS, Apple Talk and 8086 Assembly Language. I have worked with IBM mainframe network SNA since I graduated from the college in 1983. I have been working with large-area private and public network since when there was no internet or even Compuserve or AOL.
Are we better than other hosting companies? Because different clients have different needs, I can’t comment on “better or worse”, but we are certainly different. Our pricing is about same as any other major hosting company in the US or around the world, but we can serve you better because we built our products ourselves. If there is a problem, we can fix it right away rather than wait for the original software development company. We can communicate with the most sophisticated engineers and web developers because we know what we are doing.
So when you are choosing which company to trust with your web and email, you should give us a call. We are a different kind of hosting company, working to provide the most reliable and affordable solutions for your business needs. We are different and proud of it.

Kenichi Uchikura
Founder / CTO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
March 2012
#Business #Marketing

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