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The Middle East Conflict

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Bad guys took women, children and elders hostage and start shooting good guys hiding behind the hostages. Good guys told hostages to get out of the way or they get shot. Hostages could not get out of their way because bad guys will kill them if they move. So, the hostages are staying put. And bad guys keep shooting at good guys.

Fearing for their lives and people around them, good guys start shooting in between the hostages but sometimes (actually often) hostages are shot and killed. But good guys intention is not to harm any hostage.

Is this action justified?

No, I don't think so. So, is that mean good guys are bad now? That is "No" either. The true bad guys are the bad guys using hostage as a human shields.

So, what is the solution?

Good guys must create trusting relation ship with hostages. Protect them instead of going through them to get to bad guys.

Can that be done?

I don't know and it might be too late. Do not treat hostages as a part of bad guys, but treat them as they are "hostages". Killing hostages is very hard sell to any western world.
#Life #Politics #Society

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