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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989


Did anyone fool you yesterday? Tell me about it.

I heard on the radio yesterday that there was a foot of snow in Federal Way (Near Seattle-Tacoma Airport) and I almost believed it. Last year we had snow on April 19th. I hope I will see no more snow until later this year.

This is the picture of our office in December 22, 2008.

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Okay. As I promised we have upgraded the main page of Bloguru and added a few more skins. New skins have wider FREE SPACE areas. So, those of you who has wider graphics to embed, please try the new skins.

BTW, the girl character on the main page is called BLOGURU-CHAN. This character was developed by one of our Bloguru users in Japan.

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We are updating the look and feel of tomorrow. A few skins will be added to the as well. It will start to look more like very successful Japanese version. Also, we will be eliminating inactive users from the system.

We should be able to add Mobile Posting Capability to English Thank you for being patient. I appreciate all of you.

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K9s are welcome at PSP

K9s are welcome at PSP
Here is a picture of my dog “PomPom”. He is a 6 year old Shih Tzu and Pomeranian mix. I bought him at “Absolute Puppy” on NE 8th in downtown Bellevue. I do all his glooming myself. I do not want to spend money and I do not want him at the glooming place for hours. I gloom him every 5 or 6 weeks. I gloom “Tiny” and “Nano” as well. They are Shih Tzus and I know them since they are baby.

My company allows employees to bring their dog to work. Usually there are 3 to 5 dogs in the company at any given days. We actually bought current office buildings so that we can bring our dogs.

This picture was taken at my house.

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What should I write on my blog???

What should I write on my blo...
I am asked many times by the business people “what should I write on my Blog?” My answer often is “anything” but advertisement of your company or product. How many advertisements can you write? Do you watch TV to see the advertisements? I don’t think so. You watch the show and as a result you watch the advertisements.

The show is you. You must sell you on the Internet. You must be attractive enough to attract audiences. There is no point for you to advertise when there is nobody to see it. Think about what you know, what you like, what you don’t like, and then write about them. Regardless of where your blog is, unless you update them often, you will not attract anyone.

Some of the topics people may choose to write are

(1) What you eat
(2) Pets
(3) Where you go
(4) Whom you met
(5) Business Failure
(6) Business Success
(7) Advise you received (Good or Bad, Worse)
(8) Health and Diet
(9) Economy and Politics
(10) Current News

Again, you need to update your blog as often as possible. Also, pictures will make your blog more attractive.

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Bloguru Buddy Requests

I thank you for the request to be your Bloguru Buddy. I will accept any request to buddy up with me. I really like to communicate with you.

However, I have a small favor to ask you. Those of you who embed the music in your Bloguru page, I would like you make it so that the music does not play automatically. I access Bloguru from my office and I do not want people to think I am playing.

Thank you.

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is a dog friendly company. Let me introduce you to three of our regular K9 staff.

From the left:

Nano : Female 19 month old Shih Tzu
PomPom : Male 6 Year 4 Month Old Shih Tzu and Pomeranian Mix
Tiny : Male 6 Year 10 Month Old Shih Tzu, born in Japan

They come to PSP everyday.You can click on the picture to enlarge. (This is a new feature of Bloguru. Just upload any picture larger than 512 pixcel wide, it will reduce it automatically.)

Here is the video clip of PomPom today. Enjoy.


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Hello Mr. President

Hello Mr. President

The White House has a blog.
Did you know that?
The president of the greatest nation on this planet has a blog.

The White House website enables you to write a comment.
I am sure whatever you write will not be read by Mr. President himself, but that is not a point. The point is, if there is place for anyone to write a comment to the President of the country, do your web site allows your customers to write to you?

When the president of the US has a blog, do you?
Whey not?
You don’t have time… Yeah right, can you afford not to have a blog?
I am not really impressed by the new administration for its handling of money, but I can tell you, they did a great job making web site. We should all learn from it.

Oh, the screen above is what you see when you send a comment. You should try. I will post something when I receive any response back.

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Commrcial Free Video Streaming

You can embed Video into your Blog using (Web de Video). “Web de Video” is a commercial free video streaming system we built. You can sign up to “Web de Video” free to store 100MB of video.

Here is the video I took with my digital camera in Seattle. You must make sure you do not use "Web de Video" to distribute copyrighted material.


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Did you know you can set URL on BLOGURU

Did you know you can set URL...
When you open a blog, do you know you can set your own URL?

My Bloguru URL is

To set URL, you need to go to your Bloguru administrator page, and select “URL Setting”. You will see a screen like above. You just type in the name you wish to call. My case I typed in “ken”. You can enter any name (no space or symbols allowed). You can change your URL any time you wish. Once URL is set, it should be the address you should use to address your blog. It is much easier than the number Bloguru automatically assign you when you open an account.


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