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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Dedicated Circuit Upgrade

Dedicated Circuit Upgrade
We are upgrading current 1Gb circuit between HQ and Data Center to 10Gb.
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Holiday Party

Holiday Party Holiday Party Holiday Party
We just finished 2013 Year End Holiday Party.
I took 70+ images and they are over 60MB big.

How do you send those images to someone?

PSPINC created the service to send large amount of files.
Check out
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Web Site Security … You should know ...

Web Site Securi...
How secure is your web site?

World Wide Web is design to share information with the world. So, don't even think anything that you store on your web site is secure. They are NOT no mater what you do.
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Phishing Email

Email I received Email I received This is the attached HTML file. This is the attached HTML file.
I have received email from PayPal saying I have to enter some information to verify. Here is the email and attached HTML file. Do not be fooled. This is not coming from PayPal. If you receive it, just trash it. If you are not sure, login to your PayPal account from your browser.

I know right away this was not from PayPal because I do not use this email account with PayPal.
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Mavericks Upgrade

Mavericks Upgrade Mavericks Upgrade Mavericks Upgrade Mavericks Upgrade Mavericks Upgrade
I have completed the Mac OS X 10.9 Upgrade … Depending on your Internet speed, it takes an hour to few hours. Mine took little less than an hour.

Like version of OS X before, it was a painless upgrade.
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Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks

Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
I am upgrading my MacBook Pro to MacOS X 10.9 MAVERICKS ... It's free. I wonder how good or bad. I cannot not Upgrade my MacPro because it is too old.
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FlatCRM Beta Tuesday Update

FlatCRM Beta Tuesday Update
Shortly we will do deployment for flatCRM.
These are the changes that will be deployed:

* Search box at the top only search for project
* Database link is not link anymore, and it will show Companies and Contact List
* Companies and Contact list has it's own search box
* Group/Shared File link is removed
* Project now has start date --> user able to set it
* Changes to select box for member in Project and Reminder Page
* Other UI changes
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ST Mail Update

In order to speed up POP processing, our engineer has implemented the advanced indexing system to communicate with email clients faster. We deployed it today but we found some bugs.

we have rolled back the system update. This is not affecting any of our clients ... It is affecting PSPINC email system. It is a part of "Eat your own dog food." testing that we do before we release anything to our customers.
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LA Times ... Stupid Page Design

LA Times ... Stupid Page Design
Come on LA Times ... I try to share your story on Facebook but your stupid pager design hide the Facebook POST button under the BofA advertisement. How stupid is that?
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Get Windows 8.1 for Free

Get Windows 8.1 for Free
Windows 8.1 Upgrade is available for free at Microsoft Store at following URL.

If you are an unfortunate user of Windows 8, you should try to upgrade it to 8.1. With 8.1 you at least get start button at your desktop. Get rid of Windows Metro Interface and you are somewhat close to Windows 7.
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