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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Sustaining and Growing Japan Business

Our guests from Japan have gone back today. We need to discuss more about the features and implementation of those features next month.

I will be going to japan on November 5 to 14. That should be my last trip to Japan this year.
#Business #Marketing

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Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365
Until Microsoft decide to give really good profit margin to their resellers to sell Office 365, we don't really have to concern about it. Besides, Microsoft is looking to work with 100 or more employee companies anyway.
#Business #Marketing

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Adobe Photoshop Elements

Adobe Photoshop Elements
When you sell enough, companies like Adobe will create an special package for you. This is an image of COSTCO edition of Adobe Photoshop Elements.
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Great Deal ... What is ...

Great Deal ... What is ...
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Lunch at Aldarra

Lunch at Aldarra
We are going to have our golf tournament at Aldarra. Today was the last meeting. We will have about 100 people attending this year.

This was my lunch at Aldarra. A Fried Chicken Burger and a Cup of Chile.
#Business #Marketing

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Demo Sale at Costco

Demo Sale at Costco
This lady was cooking a hamburger to sell Yoshida Sauce ... the problem is this lady is very hostile and unfriendly. When you cook burgers and serve them as samples, people gather ... nobody wanted to come close to her.

She should not be doing this.
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What is with SOFTBANK

What is with SOFTBANK
Since the purchase of Sprint by Japanese company, SOFTBANK. The stocfk price has fallen over 20%. Japanese companies (Asian Companies in General) are not know for Public (Investor) Relationship. They need to work on that skill.

Softbank purchase price of Sprint was $7.65/share ... it is now fallen under $5.90.
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2013-2014 PSPINC Mouse Pad

2013-2014 PSPINC Mouse Pad
PSPINC 2013 ~ 2014 Calendar Mouse Pad is ready. Does anybody want one?
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Sex Sells

Sex Sells
There were ladies in bikinis at the old car show I exhibited my car last weekend. They will come to your car and you can take a picture of your car yourself with those ladies.

SEX SELLS ... I should ask them when I am ready to sell my car.*

* "Note: Ladies not included."
#Business #Marketing

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Lead Generation Business

Lead Generation Business
For most businesses, having qualified leads are very important and they pay good money for them. Because of this, there are so many SPAM emails going around.

Here is how it works. You send 1,000,000 SPAM emails selling best quote on your life insurance. Email might say, no physical exam required, or crazy low price for your life insurance. You are supposed to go to the we site to fill up the form about yourself.

You just told this SPAM company you are looking for a life insurance. Then this company turns around sell this lead to major insurance companies for say $100 a lead.

from the 1 million SPAM, this company may bet 0.015% return registration. That means 150 people registered. When you sell this 150 leads to insurance company, you just made $15,000. If you sell this lead to 5 insurance companies, you generated $75,000. This how hoe SPAM can make money.
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