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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

This is a nice computer ...

This is a nice computer ... This is a nice computer ... This is a nice computer ... This is a nice computer ... This is a nice computer ...
For the price, this Lenovo Yoga 910 is a great computer. I bought it for our staff on Black Friday Sale.

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Product, Service and Price

This is the sign you see at Vi... This is the sign you see at Video Only Store!
This confirms what I am saying.
What are the three things that you need to constantly look at when you are running business.

(1) Product: Do we have the best possible product?
(2) Service: Are we providing the best service to our customers?
(3) Price: Is our price same or better than the competitors?

When you provide those everything else will fall into places.
#pspinc #valueproposition

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This is a solicitation!

This is a solicitation!
When you receive email like this, please read carefully. This is not sent by PSPinc. It is a solicitation and it says that in the footnote. If you have question, call PSPinc. 1-800-232-3989 or 425-967-0808
#HostingSeattle #valueproposition

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving
Have a very happy Thanksgiving.

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Stock Prices are Going Up

Stock Prices are Going Up
The DAW has gone over $19,000 for the first time. Is this because Wall St is feeling good about Trump or feeling good about Obama's last few months? Either way, people are buying both US stocks and US dollars.

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What Kind of Beer Do You Like?

at Bellevue Brewery at Bellevue Brewery at Bellevue Brewery at Bellevue Brewery
When you have a choice, do you prefer lighter or darker beer?
I do not drink beer but if I had torrent, I would like a simple eager beer like Sapporo or Kirin.
#BellevueBrewery #valueproposition

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Worst Resale Values

Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values Worst Resale Values

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Office Space in Kobe, Japan

Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan Office Space in Kobe, Japan
I had a chance to look at some office spaces in Kobe, Japan. The office space I looked at goes for about 10,000yen/3.3sqm/month. 3.3sqm is called Tsubo (坪) in Japan and is 35.5832sqf.

So 100sqf = 2.81tsubo = 28,100yen = $255.45

The only unknown at this point is the initial cost. I am waiting for the real estate person I met to send me a proposal. If I can start the development office in Japan to hire software engineers and designers ... that will be golden.

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Now you are free to move about Japan.

Now you are free to move abo...
I puyrcahse3d Winmax hotspot bu "au" in Japan. This has the max speed of 320Mbps and there is no data limited. I should have purchased this at the beginning of this trip.
#WiFi #valueproposition

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Japan Celebrates Christmas

Japan Celebrates Christmas
Japanese people are one the least religious people in the world. Not because they ignore religions, but they celebrates basically everything.

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