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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

New Customer

New Customer

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New Email Server Performance

New Email Server Performance
We have not seen any email delay for a week now. We were able to reduce CPU usage by 70% by tuning up software thus making mail processing faster. The graph above shows the CPU usage for 24 hours (4/18 3:36 pm – 4/19 3:33 pm).

Legend: Red line: number of access user
Black line: Database CPU usage
Green line: IMAP/POP Mail Server CPU Usage
Pink line: Machine CPU Usage

You can see the server is running much more stable when it comes to CPU usage. We are still working to make processes even faster.
#Computer #Internet

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PSPINC Golf Tournament

PSPINC Golf Tournament
PSPINC will hold its annual golf tournament at Aldarra Gold club this year. This is the very first time this exclusive private golf club is hosting outside golf tournament. It is an invitational event and will be held on August 20, this year.
#Business #Marketing

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Dog Sitting

Dog Sitting
I was dog sitting one more dog than usual last night. Everybody went to Japan-America Society annual dinner. He is a less than one year old dachshund named MALO.
#Animals #Pets

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Apple and I

Apple and I
It is amazing how many Apple products I have. Here you see iPhone, iPod 30GB, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV. In addition I have MacBook Pro and MacPro desktop.

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Seattle is not a place to live if you...

Seattle is not a place to live if...
Seattle is not a place to live if you have to travel to Japan. This is a comparison of the wire fairs that I may face when I fly business class to japan. My trip starts with Seattle to Tokyo, then I travel to Osaka, from there I fly back to Seattle. On business class, you can buy those two legs for $4800 in Seattle. If I were living in LA and to do the same trip from LA, I would be paying $3600. Whopping $1200 less.

What is with Seattle?

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Where did our 800 number come from?

Where did our 800 number co...
Our toll free number is 1-800-232-3989 and this is where it came from.

When we started Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. back in 1987, we were located in Mercer Island, Washington. The area code was 206 but the prefix for Mercer Island (I do not know now) was 232. The first phone number Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. got was 206-232-3989.

So when we got the 800 number, we made it a same number. So, that is where our 800 number came from. This is a picture of our lobby area. We have collection of computers starting from Apple IIe.
#Business #Marketing

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Pacific Software Publishing CA LLC

Pacific Software Publishing CA...
Pacific Software Publishing CA LLC is located in this building complex across a street from Miyako Hotel. It is very convenient. It is not too far away from Toyota and Honda HQs.
#Business #Marketing

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Honda America Corporate HQ

Honda America Corporate HQ
Honda America Corporate HQ is located near Pacific Software Publishing CA LLC in Torrance, California. I took this picture from my room at Miyako Hotel in Torrance.
#Business #Marketing

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I can not stop sneezing

I can not stop sneezing
I went to University of Washington today. It was beautiful, but not good for my allergy. I count not stop sneezing.

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