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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

What do you call this in Japanese?

What do you call this in Japan...
It is a back scratcher ... very unimaginative name.
It is called "Mago no Te" in Japanese.

Mago is a grandchild.
Te is a hand.

So, it is called a "Grandchild's Hand" in Japanese. Good name, don't you think?
#Culture #Tradition

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Traveling Light

I am going to San Diego today. No, it is not golf. I have a meeting in SD tomorrow. But, tonight I will be meeting my aunt who lives in SD. I have not seen her for two years.

One note. I will travel with just an iPad, no PC. Let's see how I can do it.

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Beautiful weekend.

The temperature went over 70 degree today. It was wonderful. I play a round at Aldarra and 44/45. I putted very good today. Everything esevwas not that good.

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Chevy VOLT

Chevy VOLT
Over $43,500. One I saw at the Chevy dealer had >$50k sticker price.

Even with possible $7500 Federal Tax Credit, the car is more expensive than NISSAN LEAF (100% Electric) or any of PRIUS Hybrids or Civic Hybrids.

The car is not that big and you can go 100% EV for only short distance. This car missed the mark by a mile. If the car is around $25K, it may make sense and I would consider one for PSPINC.
#Bikes #Cars

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Forget fairway, I don't think I can put my ball between those two trees. It is a fun weekend for a golf lovers.

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Yesterday, I talked about Pornography in Japan and said what you see is not what the reality is in Japan. In Japan, there is a saying that there are “HONNE” and “TATEMAE” in everything.

TATEMAE is the PERCEPTION or the way you want people to think

So, as far as Pornography in Japan is concerned, Japan has one of the most conservative restriction against it. But the truth is, it is everywhere. I have seen school kids walking in front of the movie theater that has many posters with sexual contents.

You see Japanese tourism advertisements that show Japanese people in Kimono, Temples and Shrines, Traditional Tea Houses and music. Those are the perception that Japan wants to portrait to visitors. But is that what Japan is? That probably represents less than 1% of Japanese people. When I visit there, I rarely see people in Japanese kimono. I will do a double take if I see any male wearing kimono in Japan.

Because of this TRUTH vs PERCEPTION, many Japanese people are very suspicious of things that seem to be too good. Many times, Japanese people believe the bad news and ignore good because they think good news are fabricated. Japanese people (companies too) rarely brag about anything. Because it may rebound negatively.

On the other hand, Japanese do not treat negative publicity seriously. They believe those negativities will go away if you do not react. You can see this in slow reaction to negative publicity by companies like Toyota, Bridgestone and the Tokyo Electric Company that operates failed nuclear power plants.

As the world gets smaller and smaller by the flow of information, companies and people in Japan need to learn how to respond to the publicities whether it is positive or negative.
#Life #Politics #Society

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Many dogs

Many dogs
I think there are seven dogs at PSPINC today. PSPINC is a dag friendly company, that may make it cat unfriendly company.

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#Animals #Pets

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Pornography in Japan

Pornography in Japan
Here is a subject not many people talk about. Also looking at Internet, people do not believe there is any kind of regulation in Japan for making and distributing pornography in Japan.

What you see on Internet is quite different from what is legal in Japan. Any uncensored pornography you see on Internet (whether it is made in Japan or not) is illegal in Japan. Payboy magazines are illegal in Japan.

But there is no Internet censoring in Japan. You are not allowed to sell uncensored pornography in Japan, but you can see as much as you want on Internet.

There are many regulations like that in Japan. For instance, gambling is illegal in Japan, but look at all the Pachinko Parlors. Prostitution is illegal in Japan, but when you walk Shinjyuku Kabukicho at night, you will never guess that.

Back to talk about Internet. One of the biggest reason why high speed Internet became popular in Japan is the fact that you watch uncensored pornography. I guess SEX SELLS is true here as well.
#Life #Politics #Society

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Research and Development Talk

Research and Development Talk
Email Delay
April 6, 2012

Toward the end of last week, we were experiencing some email delays in our system. This was caused by two main reasons. The first is that we have moved all clients to the new mail servers, causing the new server load to peak higher than we had expected. The other is that, in order to process more email, we modified the email preprocessing system which handles SPAM filtering, email forwarding, auto reply, and mailing lists to be faster, thus delivering more email than the email servers could handle.

From last Friday, we have been rewriting our software to improve mail processing performance. Because of the changes we made, we have not seen any delays since last weekend. We have been working to make our email servers process more email all this week as well, and we estimate that over the past week our email servers have become three times faster. Although we should have done this earlier, I am happy to announce that we no longer detecting any email slowdowns.

We were able to solve the email delay problem by rewriting the software itself. That is something other hosting companies, who do not have an in-house software development team like ours, cannot do. We are constantly making our software faster, more efficient, and more reliable. If you have any questions or concerns about our email hosting, please feel free to contact us.

Kenichi Uchikura
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
1404 140th Place NE, Bellevue,
WA 98007-3915, USA
Tel 425-957-0808
Fax 425-957-1188
#Computer #Internet

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Ignorant Thoughts/Ideas

Ignorant Thoughts/Ideas
How difficult is it to create hydrogen fuel cells?
It sounds like much cleaner and safer than nuclear power.
Wouldn't it be great if every city block has a hydrogen fuel cell power generator.

If submarine can be fitted with hydrogen fuel cells instead go nuclear, it would make more sense to replace big, unsafe and costly nuclear power plants with hydrogen fuel cells.
#Life #Politics #Society

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