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Pele`s Up Diner, Ginan

Pele`s Up Diner, Ginan
Upstairs from our Teragoya Ginan school is a restaurant called `Pele`s Up Diner`. I went there for the first time on Monday & tried one of their American-style hamburgers. It was really tasty. Yum!

The decor is great too. There`s even a `bobber`-style bike inside. If you have a chance, I recommend checking it out.

- In Japanese, `bike` = バイク = motorbike
- In English, `bike` = motorbike OR bicycle, so:
I ride my bike to school = 自転車で学校に行きます
Do you have a bike license? = バイクの免許はありますか?
#グルメ #バイク #バー #レストラン

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Bye-bye Bicycle

Bye-bye Bicycle
More & more, I noticed a loud creaking [kiikii] & grinding [togu, guraindo] noise when I was riding my bike to school. At first I thought it was my knees, but no, it was my bike. I applied some grease & oil to the chain & cogs (& a little to my knees, just to be sure) but it didn`t fix it.

The guy at the bike shop said it would cost 5000 - 6000 yen to repair, but my bike was already in pretty bad condition (as you can see in the picture above), so I decided the time had come to buy a new one.

I knew I wanted a `mamachari` shopping-style bike with a basket, like my last one, but it was still hard to choose; there were lots of things to consider:
- no gears? 3? 6?
- 26 inch wheels? 27? 28?
- Dynamo or LED light?
- what shaped handlebars?
- what color?
- how much did I want to spend?
- how would I look on it? Like Cadel Evans (2011 Tour de France winner)? Or a hungry circus monkey?

Anyway, I`m satisfied with my final choice. I bought it from Asahi Bicycle Store, near my school. It was 21,000 yen (about $250).

*click on the picture to enlarge

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