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  • Hashtag "#車" returned 67 results.

Non-rolling Corolla

Non-rolling Corolla
I haven`t blogged for a while*. Sorry.
 Anyway, while** I was taking a walk, I saw this 1972 (?) Toyota Corolla. It`s in pretty bad shape. While*** I`m sure the owner dreams of fixing it, I don`t think his dreams will come true, do you?
My friend in Australia used to have a 1982 Corolla. I think I prefer the shape of the 1972 model.
English Language Point
* しばらく 暫
** ながら 乍
*** のに、けど

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1968(?) Porsche 912

1968(?) Porsche 912
Near Ibi Station in Gifu I noticed a business with a lot of Porsches parked outside. Most of them were recent models, but a couple were older. For some reason the bonnet and boot of this one are open. 
FYI (= For Your Information), the name of the company is Ibi Lab.
English Language Point:
ボンネット = bonnet (UK, Aus), hood (U.S.)
荷室 = boot (U.K., Aus), trunk (U.S.)

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Lada Niva 1600

Lada Niva 1600
Russian cars are rare in Japan, so I was pretty surprised to see this one in Ibigawa.
I have a joke for you:
Question: Why do Lada workers make mistakes? 
Answer: Because they`re rushin`. (rushin` = rushing = 急行. ‘rushin’ と ‘Russian’は似ている)
English Language Point:

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Isuzu 117

Isuzu 117
I saw this car yesterday, while I was out riding in Ogaki. Although it`s rare to see this kind of car on the road, I`ve seen one before, in Gifu City:

- I saw ___ (yesterday etc). OK
- I`ve seen ___. OK
- I`ve seen ___ before. OK
- I`ve ever seen ___. WRONG

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Porsche 911

Porsche 911
Do you like my new car? Haha – I`m pulling your leg (= joking). It`s not mine. I had just finished shopping when this old (1970s?) Porsche 911 pulled into (= drove into) the car park and pulled up (= stopped) right beside me. When the driver had gone, I pulled out (引き出す) my camera & took a photo.

Sorry I haven`t blogged recently. I need to pull up my socks (= stop being lazy)!

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Toyota Sprinter Trueno + Ford Mustang

Toyota Sprinter Trueno + For...
I sometimes see cool cars here & there (所々で) in Japan. On this occasion I found a pair side by side. Lucky! The car on the left is a (1972?) Toyota Sprinter Trueno. The white one with a red stripe on the side is a 1965 Ford Mustang.

side by side = 並んで
on the left/right = 左/右に
on the side = 外側に付いている

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Mini Cooper with Roof Rack

Mini Cooper with Roof Rack
I like old Mini Coopers, especially ones with roof racks. I`d like to buy one someday, but actually I have long legs, so I think it would be uncomfortable for me to drive. Anyway, I saw this one outside Shin-Kisogawa Station. The colour of the roof is interesting - dark blue.

- this/my/the red one (単数)
- these/my/the red ones = (複数)

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Isuzu Bellett GT Type-R (1970?)

Isuzu Bellett GT Type-R (1970?)
I just* saw this car, in the carpark just** behind my school. According to the internet, just*** 1,400 were manufactured, so it`s pretty rare. I wish it was mine. It`s just**** the kind of car I like.

* (見た) ばかり
** すぐ(後ろ)
*** (1400台) だけ
**** ちょうど

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Landcruiser FJ60

Landcruiser FJ60
Merry Christmas! I didn`t get any presents from Santa, but I got a nice surprise on my way to work today - this is an 80s Toyota Landcruiser. What kind of car have you got? I`ve got a Honda Stepwagon. I wish I had this Landcruiser instead.

Thank you for supporting my blog in 2020. I hope you have a great day, and a fantastic 2021!

- get = 貰う, 受ける (got: 過去形)
- have got = 有る, 持つ

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Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle
On the way to work this morning I noticed this old VW Beetle parked near our school, so I whipped out my smartphone & quickly took a photo.

whip 名詞: 鞭
whip 動詞: 鞭打ち / 泡立てる
whip out 動詞: さっと取り出す

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