- Hashtag "#車" returned 67 results.
I`ve been waiting ages (ages = a long time) for the chance to take a photo of this car. I knew this garage on Route 22 had it, but they always kept a cover on it. I could just see the wheels, & sometimes the rear bumper, but that`s all...
I waited and watched... waited and watched...
Finally (やっと) last week the cover was off & I could get some photos of it.
It`s a 1964/65 VW Type 34 Karmann Ghia. It`s kind of rare (めったにない) , so I think I`m lucky to have seen this one.
It looks a bit (a bit = a little) like an old Mazda Cosmo I saw: http://jp.bloguru.com/otto/190440/cool-car-in-kagawa
I really like it. How about you?
A couple of years ago, I spotted (= saw) a black 1959 Chevrolet Impala near my house in Ichinomiya:
Yesterday I found a black 1965 Impala near Ichinomiya Teragoya. I was surprised!
It`s a nice & unusual car, & it`s in good condition. However, in my opinion the wheels don`t match. It`s like (= similar to) seeing your father with an eyebrow piercing.*
* If your father really has an eyebrow piercing, that`s okay. I`m sure it looks good on him & he is a nice guy.
On the way home the other night, I saw this old car in someone`s garage. I was pretty surprised! Fortunately I had my camera.
It looks in nice shape (= condition). I guess its owner takes good care of it.
It`s a Nissan Cedric Special Six (1965 - 1971).
While riding in Shikoku, I saw several nice & unusual cars, but I decided not to stop & take photos of them. I didn`t want to waste time.
However, when I saw this one in a showroom, I had to stop. You can understand why, right? It`s amazing. I`d never seen this car before - not even a photo. It was love at first sight (ひとめぼれ)!
Do you know this car? Have you ever seen one? What do you think - do you love it, or laugh at it?
This is an old Toyota Landcruiser which I saw near our Ginan school. It`s pretty cool. It even has a winch on the front - very cool. I wonder if the current (= now)owner has ever used it?
If I had a winch on my car, I could:
- pull piles (やまづみ) of wood from the beach (I like to collect & recycle beachwood)
- get my son out of bed on Monday mornings
- go tuna fishing
- tell everybody I have a winch on my car
Would you like a winch on your car? Why?
Do you know tuk-tuks? They are common in Thailand, but you can also see them in India, Africa & other places, though the design varies. I saw one in Ichinomiya once, driving along Route 22 - wow! I was surprised.
Anyway, this is a special, stretch version tuk-tuk I saw. I guess it works, but when I saw it, it was just parked in front of a shopping centre for display, so I don`t know.
Have you ever been in a tuk-tuk? Was it in Thailand?
When we were in Australia, my wife wanted to buy these stickers for our car in Japan. There are lots of different designs to choose from - you can see (& buy) them at this site, if you`re interested: http://www.thestickerfamily.com.au/search/%20
Actually, we had a little trouble finding shops which still sold them; these stickers were all the rage (= very popular) in Australia about 2 years ago, but they`re kind of out of fashion now.
But please don`t tell my wife - she still thinks they`re cool.
What do you think?
If you read my blog regularly, you probably know various things about me, for example that I have lots of hobbies, that my Japanese is not so good, and that I often behave badly at Teragoya parties.
You`ve probably also noticed my interest in old & unusual cars, so it won`t surprise you that I took all these photos in Australia. I saw other interesting cars besides these ones, but usually while I was driving, & it was difficult to take a photo (& my wife`s screaming hurt my ears).
Which one do you like the most? As for me, I guess I like the black one under the red truck, or the Landrover down the bottom, or of course the yellow 71/72 Mustang...or... ah - it`s hard to choose!
* click on the picture to enlarge
I love old Landcruisers like this one. In outback (countryside) Australia, you can still see quite a lot of them, especially the tray-back version. That version is popular because it`s useful for carrying farm things such as tools, animal food, and working dogs. And because farmers in outback Australia are good at repairing & maintaining machines, they are able to keep old cars running for many years.
I saw this blue one not far from my house. Cool isn`t it? It`s a little rusty, but I think that actually suits it.
The owner of this car is lucky - just driving to work would feel like an adventure.
Recently, because of roadworks (dori kouji), I took a different way to work, and to my surprise I found this old Mercedes Benz (250S? from around 1967).
The paintwork is in bad shape, but otherwise it seems undamaged, and the tyres are even inflated, so I wonder if it still works. What do you think?
I imagine similar conversations in this house everyday:
Breakfast: "You going to fix that car today?" "Yeh, maybe"
Lunch: "You started on the car yet?" "Not yet"
Dinner: "You fix the car?" "Sorry - too busy. Maybe tomorrow"
I really wonder if it works...
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