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Tahoutou Pagoda, Inazawa

Tahoutou Pagoda, Inazawa
While walking in Inazawa, I passed a temple complex. The main temple is called Mantokuji, but the pagoda is called Tahoutou. It was built during the Muromachi period (1336 - 1573). Pretty old! I did a sketch of it in my goshuin 御朱印 book. While I was sketching, an old couple walked past and greeted me, but I didn`t see anyone else. It`s a very peaceful & scenic place.
English Language Point:
- While __ing... OK
- While + 主語 + was/were + __ing...  OK
- During __ing... WRONG
- During + 主語 + was/were + __ing...  WRONG
- During + 名詞...  OK
#アウトドア #アート #旅行

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2021 Nitten Art Exhibition

2021 Nitten Art Exhibition
On Sunday I took* my kids into Nagoya to see the Nitten art exhibition. We took** the train & subway. Altogether it took*** about 40 minutes. First we had lunch, then we looked at the exhibition at The Aichi Prefectural Museum. After that we took a walk**** around the top of Oasis 21 shopping mall, I took***** a few photos, then we went home.

Take/took/taken have various meanings:
* 連れて行った
** 乗った
*** 掛かった
**** 散歩した
However, 'take lunch' is unusual. 'Have/eat lunch' is usual.

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New Fishing Float Display Case

New Fishing Float Display Case
I have a lot of old fishing floats. I put the nicest ones in a display case in my classroom*, but I still had a lot left over (残り). So I made another display case. Actually, I didn`t find one of the floats in this case. I made it myself, from a champagne cork. Can you find it?


- Champagne シャンパン is pronounced シャンぺーン in English (it sounds like campaign キャンペーン)
#アート #趣味

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Christmas Wreaths

Christmas Wreaths
I made two Christmas wreaths. Wanna buy one? The one on the left is ¥1500. The big one is ¥2000. I have another one at home, but it`s not for sale.

By the way, I used the seedpods that I found at Lake Biwa ( ) in the big wreath. Can you see them?

the + 形容詞 + one
the + one + 前置詞
#アート #趣味

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Biwa Beachcombing

Biwa Beachcombing
On Saturday I took a daytrip to Biwa Lake. I went to Maibara Station by train, then rode my folding bike (折りたたみ自転車) down* to a beach near Hikone Castle, where I found a couple of small rubber balls, a lure, a float, & some lighters with a little gas left in them (I was going to use them to make a small fire to make coffee, but there was a convenience store across the road, so I just bought coffee there instead).

I didn`t ride far on Saturday, but when I packed up my bike & carried it up** the stairs at the station, my legs felt tired. I guess I walked a lot without realising it.

- 'down' = *南 or 下
- 'up' = 北 or **上
#アウトドア #アート

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Pen-on-wing X-Wing

Pen-on-wing X-Wing
I found this plastic model in a wardrobe at my parents` house in Australia. It belonged to my younger brother when he was a kid. He must have put it there & forgotten about it. I decided to bring it to Japan & put it together with my kids. A couple of the guns for the wings were missing or broken, so I put parts of old Teragoya pens there instead. Finally, I put the finished model in my kids` room, hanging from the ceiling. Looks good!

Don`t forget to use an object (目的語) with 'put':
“Where did you put the model?” “I put IT in my room.” "Why did you put IT there?" etc. ["Where did you put?": WRONG "I put in my room": WRONG]
#アート #趣味

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Already & Not Yet New Year`s Cards

Already & Not Yet New Y...
Have you prepared your New Year`s cards yet? I`ve finished making a rubber stamp, and I`ve already (既に) printed & sent a few cards to family & friends outside Japan but I haven`t sent any to people in Japan yet. I have to do that by the 25th. You too!

By the way, have you ever had a carving set like this? It`s my wife`s, from when she was a student.


-Have you +「 過去分詞」 + yet? = 「過去分詞」をもうしたか?
- Have you ever + 「過去分詞? 」= 「過去分詞」をしたことはあるか?
- I`ve already +「 過去分詞 」= もうすでに「過去分詞」をした
- I haven`t + 「過去分詞」 + yet = まだ「過去分詞」していない(したことがない)
- I`ve 過去分詞 yet: WRONG (間違い)

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Wreath Time

Wreath Time
I found our wreath & replaced the old leaves with new green ones. Last time we used red flowers to add colour. This time we used fishing floats. Yes, I have a lot of them ( )! This might be the last time we use this wreath - after 4 years, it`s starting to get a bit shabby (ぼろぼろ). Next time we might make a new one. We`ll see.

- last time = 前回 this time = 今回 next time = 今度, 次の回
- the last time = 最後 / 前回
#アート #趣味

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Matching Jeep & Field Gun

Matching Jeep & Field Gun
When I was a kid, my brothers & I had small toy field guns (野砲) which fired matches*. Nowadays that kind of toy isn`t popular & is hard to find, so I decided to make my own. After making it, I decided to make a matching** jeep.

To fire this toy field gun, you put a match in the barrel (銃身), pull the 'trigger' at the back (which is attached to a spring) then release it.

The toy soldiers are WW2 Australian soldiers. You can tell (見分ける) by their large hats.

* match (名詞) = マッチ, 燐寸
** match (動詞) = 対応
#アート #趣味

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A Few New Floats

A Few New Floats
When I went to Fukui last week, I was pleased to find some more fishing floats on the beach. I added a few* of the nicer ones to my display case collection. It looks better now, right?

Nowadays I have few** chances to do serious beachcombing, so I wondered when I would be able to complete my display case collection. I`m glad I`ve completed it.

- * a few + 名詞 = 4/5/6
- ** few + 名詞 = 少ない
#アート #趣味

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