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Bottle Cap Collection

Bottle Cap Collection
Most people throw away bottle caps, but I keep them. This is most of my collection, in a display frame that I made last week. Some of them are from Japan, a few of them are from Australia, & one of them is from Cambodia - it was given to me by one of my students who went there last year. Can you find it?

All of them are attached using magnets, so they can be easily removed or re-arranged.

- OK: All/Most/Some/A few/One + 名詞
- OK: All/Most/Some/A few/One + of + my/your + 名詞
- OK: All/Most/Some/A few/One + of + us/them
- WRONG: All/Most/Some/A few/One + of + 名詞

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Return of the Wreath

Return of the Wreath
This is the 2nd time I`ve restored & reused this Christmas wreath. I removed the old brown leaves from last year, & replaced them with new green ones, but I didn`t remove or repaint the pine cones (松ぼっくり). I also upgraded baby Jesus` cardboard (段ボール) manger (馬槽) to a wooden one I made using recycled wood. I include baby Jesus in my wreath to remind us that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus Christ`s birth. Finally, I returned the wreath to its place above our front door.

- The prefix (接頭辞) 're-' can mean two things: 1) back, or 2) again. e.g.:
- 1) re-use = use again, recycle
- 1) remind = make us remember (i.e. put in our mind again)
- 2) remove = move/take back
- 2) return = turn/go/put back

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Floats Display Case

Floats Display Case
I made a display case for my collection of old fishing floats. I found these floats on the beach over the last few years. They are all different except for three. Can you find the three which are the same?

There are two spaces left (残り) in the case. In 2019, I hope to fill them!

- float (動詞) = 浮く, 浮かぶ
- float (名詞) = ウキの種類
- soda/ice-cream float = soda with ice-cream floating on top
#アート #趣味

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Shell Collection Display Case

Shell Collection Display Case
I made this display case for my shell collection. No, not seashells (貝殻) - these are shotgun shells! I found some on the beach & a couple in the forest. I think they look good displayed like this. If you would like to see (& buy?) this case & my other recycled wood creations, please come to Gifu Teragoya`s craft event on September 1.

Shall I give you a link to the details? Okay. Here you are:

- shell: 殻, 砲丸, 甲殻, etc.
- shall I...? shall we...? = ましょうか?
- shall you/he/she/they...? WRONG

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The Case of the Crooked Display Case

The Case of the Crooked Displ...
I finished making this golf ball display case for our September craft event. Maybe you can notice that it`s not perfectly straight, but that`s not my fault (所為). It`s because the recycled wood I used for it wasn`t straight.

Do you believe me?

There is an English proverb (諺), 'A bad workman always blames his tools.' However, I don`t need to blame my tools when I use recycled wood, because I can blame the crooked (歪) wood instead. It`s a convenient excuse (言い訳).

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Ink Painting Exhibition

Ink Painting Exhibition
During my lunch break, I popped outside to do a couple of things. While walking past じゅうろくてつめいギャラリー, (near ドンキホーテ) I noticed that an exhibition was being held, so I went inside to take a look. It was interesting & enjoyable. I laughed when I saw the fan design with English on it. Nice!

The gallery`s homepage:

- 'During + 名詞' e.g. my break, the night, the war
- 'While + 動詞ing' e.g. shopping, walking, driving OR 'While I was shopping... While he is driving...' etc.

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Craft Event Carpentry

Craft Event Carpentry
"Wocha doin`?"
"Waddaya makin`?"
"Gonna pain`it?"

Can you understand these questions? If my kids were native English speakers, maybe they would pronounce these questions like this.

This is their meaning:

1. "Wocha doin`?" (What/you/doing) = What are you doing?
2. "Waddaya makin`?" = What are you making?
3. "Gonna pain`it?" (Going/to/paint/it) = Are you going to paint it?

My answers: 1. I`m making something for our September craft fair. 2. Guess! 3.Probably not.

In natural spoken English, some sounds change, e.g.
t+y --> ch (meet you --> "meechoo")
t --> d (little --> "liddle")
nt --> n (twenty --> "twenny")
oo --> a (see you --> "seeya", to --> "ta")

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New Year Challenge #2

New Year Challenge #2
I also made this last week. I`d been meaning to (= intending to) make it for a long time - since I first got my pet chickens last spring (that`s a hint!). It didn`t take long* to make - only about 30 minutes, but I hope it lasts [保つ] a long time. What do you think it is?

- * 'long' = 'a long time`: 'a long time' is used in positive sentences; 'long' is used in questions or negative sentences, not positive sentences.

UPDATE: The answer is in comments!

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New Year Challenge #1

New Year Challenge #1
Over* the new year holidays I made this. What is it? Can you guess? I`ll give you a hint: I put it outside in the garden; the string with bricks (レンガ) over** the top is to keep the roof on in windy weather. Now it`s empty, but when winter is over***, I hope it will be used by... something. Okay, hint time is over***!

Over**** to you - what do you think it is? Please leave your idea in comments!

The word 'over' has various meanings, e.g.
* during, throughout ** on, covering *** finished **** change, switch

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Sagawa Art Museum

Sagawa Art Museum
A student recommended visiting Sagawa Art Museum in Moriyama City, & I`m glad I followed his advice. Their permanent exhibition (常設展示) is good - I especially liked the bronze statues (銅像) by Sato Churyo, and Hirayama Ukio`s watercolours. There was also a temporary exhibition (一時的な展示会) of famous Japanese 'Ukiyo-e' woodblock prints. I was lucky.

Like my student, I recommend you visit this museum, but if you want to catch the Ukiyo-e exhibition, I suggest you hurry - it finishes this Sunday.

- recommend/suggest + 動詞ing
- recommend/suggest + 誰か + 動詞 (NOT 'to 動詞' & NOT '動詞ing')
- recommend/suggest + 名詞 [+ to 誰か] (NOT 'recommend to 誰か')

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