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Announcement: New WebdeReserve Features Now Available

Announcement: New WebdeRes...
We’re happy to announce we’ve added a new feature to our reservation system, WebdeReserve, that lets you set the “Registration Opening” and “Registration Closing”. Here’s how it works:

Registration Opening

This feature lets you set the start date and time for an event registration you’ve created. You can limit the number of event participants until the set time passes.
How to Set Registration Opening
  1. After logging in to WebdeReserve, click “Add Event”.
  2. Fill in the required fields.
  3. Check the “Set registration opening date and time”
  4. Select when (time) you want to start accepting applications.
  5. Save the event.
*The time zone is the same as the event date and time.
*The application start time and date cannot be set later than the event end time and closing time.
*If you don’t set a Registration Opening time, the application will be available immediately.
*The following information will be displayed until the application start time.

Registration Closing

This feature lets you to set a cutoff time for applications to be accepted for the event you have created. After the set time, applications for the event will no longer be available.
How to Set Registration Closing
  1. After logging in to WebdeReserve, click “Add Event”.
  2. Fill in the required fields.
  3. Check the “Set registration closing date and time” checkbox.
  4. Select when (time) you would like to close applications.
  5. Save the event.
*The time zone is the same as the event date and time.
*Closing time cannot be set later than the event end time.
*After the registration deadline, the following information will be displayed.
Try out our registration system by signing up for WebdeReserve for free!

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at or visit us online at
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