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I watched the last episode of "The Kirin Cometh.

It was a fascinating drama that fully incorporated historical research based on the latest research, and also added entertainment value to the drama.
I think it was a high level of perfection that has not been seen in recent years as a Taiga drama.

The story of Mitsuhide's motive for the Honnoji Incident, which is considered to be the greatest mystery in Japanese history, was perfectly developed.

The Imperial Court, Ieyasu Tokugawa, and Yoshiaki Ashikaga were not the direct masterminds, but they did encourage Mitsuhide's decision. The direct reason for his decision was the values held by his person that the tyrant Nobunaga had to be stopped.

I personally find the theory of stopping Nobunaga's tyranny, as recommended by Mr. Owada, the historical reviewer, to be sufficiently convincing.

As for the entertainment value, the final act that Mitsuhide had survived. I personally do not think this is possible, but I suppose they thought that killing off the main character of a Taiga drama would disappoint many viewers.

So far, many people besides me have developed similar theories on YouTube.

Here, I would like to recklessly evaluate the Honnoji Incident in the Azuchi-Momoyama period, away from the drama.

What kind of impact did this sudden decision by Mitsuhide have on the people and how did it affect their lives and thoughts?
Did it contribute to the coming of the Kirin, i.e., to the building of a peaceful era?

In order to examine these questions, I believe that the most important historical documents are not the fictional documents that were produced in the mid-Edo period and later, but rather the documents that were like diaries at the time, and that left the vivid atmosphere of the times as they were.

This is the "History of Japan" by Luis Frois, which was written in Portuguese and kept in storage for 400 years without being seen by anyone.

The book is full of eyewitness information from people who were there, so we can hear the breath of the time.

When the central power of Oda Nobunaga collapsed, society suddenly became a lawless zone, with riots, killings, robberies, and raids occurring all over the country, recording the chaos that ensued.

When the people of Azuchi heard that Akechi's army would be coming to the Oda stronghold of Azuchi in a few days, they were "as confused as if it were the day of the final judgment.”

“The confusion and insanity of the people, including the voices of women and children, the cries of men, was something to be marveled at. Our fears and anxieties increased as people left the town whenever such a situation arose, and our days were in turmoil day and night.”

This is an eyewitness account by Luis Frois himself, who was staying at a seminary built in the town of Azuchi at the time.

Frois was surprised to learn that on Thursday morning, a high-ranking samurai from Omi Province set fire to his house to prove that he belonged to the Akechi side.

“It was a very beautiful and luxurious mansion, standing next to Azuchi Castle, and I could see it burning from the seminary, but I could not understand why he was doing it.”

Later, he and the priests and monks were forced to act together like the people of the town and slip out of the city.

Mitsuhide himself respected the social order of the Middle Ages, including the emperor and the Ashikaga shoguns, and the Honnoji Incident was probably an attempt to maintain that order.

However, the medieval society was a world where human life was disregarded like insects and only the strongest had the right to survive.

With the Honnoji Incident, we can say that we have regressed to the horrific killing world of the Middle Ages until the unification of Japan by Hideyoshi. Mitsuhide himself was the one who caused that era to regress, and I don't think he should be praised for it.

Again, this is my personal opinion.
I would be happy to hear from anyone who would like to refute this.

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