Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 223 コンビニは使わない(コンビニはつかわない)

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I don't use convenience stores.

Convenience stores in Japan offer a wide selection of goods and are located conveniently throughout the country. However, most products sold in these stores have a fixed price. Convenience stores prioritize convenience over affordability.

For those in Japan who prioritize price while shopping, supermarkets in town are a better option than convenience stores. Supermarkets offer a larger variety of items, many of which are discounted. This is particularly true in the evenings. In the evenings supermarkets often offer discounts on bento boxes and other food items, with price stickers marked down by anywhere between 30% - 50%. While these discounted items often require same-day consumption, do offer significant savings.

In addition to convenience stores, other stores provide discounts as well. Discount retailers like Don Quijote and drugstores offer a range of products beyond medicines, including snacks, beverages, and sometimes even office supplies and apparel.

Lastly, there are 100 yen stores, where many items are priced at 100 yen. Some stores also offer items priced at 200 yen or 300 yen. While convenience stores offer variety, exploring different stores can be an interesting experience. As a side note, the exchange rate of $1 to 155 yen remains relatively unchanged from almost 40 years ago. Visitors to Japan today may find that many items appear more affordable.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 222 「は」「を」「が」「も」「に」:助詞の説明(「は」「を」「が」「も」「に」:じょしのせつめい)

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1. 「は」:
- 「(ねこ)可愛(かわい)いです。」 - この(ぶん)では、「(ねこ)」が主題(しゅだい)であり、(ねこ)(かん)する情報(じょうほう)強調(きょうちょう)されています。
- 「昨日(きのう)(あめ)()りました。」 - ここでは、「昨日(きのう)」が主題(しゅだい)で、その()天候(てんこう)(かん)する情報(じょうほう)()べられています。

2. 「を」:
- 「リンゴを()べます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「リンゴ」が動詞(どうし)()べます」の対象(たいしょう)となっています。
- 「(ほん)()みます。」 - ここでは、「(ほん)」が()対象(たいしょう)となっています。

3. 「が」:
- 「(いぬ)(にわ)(あそ)んでいます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「(いぬ)」が主語(しゅご)であり、(にわ)(あそ)んでいることが強調(きょうちょう)されています。
- 「彼女(かのじょ)(あたら)しい仕事(しごと)(はじ)めました。」 - ここでは、「彼女(かのじょ)」が主語(しゅご)であり、(あたら)しい仕事(しごと)(はじ)めたことが()べられています。

4. 「も」:
- 「(わたし)もリンゴを()べます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「(わたし)も」という部分(ぶぶん)が「リンゴを()べます」という動作(どうさ)(おこな)うことを(しめ)しています。
- 「友達(ともだち)映画(えいが)興味(きょうみ)があります。」 - ここでは、「友達(ともだち)も」という部分(ぶぶん)が、「映画(えいが)興味(きょうみ)があります」という事柄(ことがら)追加(ついか)()べています。

5. 「に」:
- 「学校(がっこう)()きます。」 - この(ぶん)では、「学校(がっこう)に」という部分(ぶぶん)が、()(さき)到達点(とうたつてん)(しめ)しています。
- 「友達(ともだち)手紙(てがみ)(おく)ります。」 - ここでは、「友達(ともだち)に」という部分(ぶぶん)手紙(てがみ)(おく)(さき)(しめ)しています。

What are “ha” “wo” “ga” “mo” “ni”? (Japanese particles explained)

The following explains each of these particles with specific examples.

1. “ha”
   - “neko ha kawaii desu (Cats are cute).” - In this sentence, the subject is “neko (cat),” and information about cats is emphasized.
   - “kinou ha ame ga furimasita (Yesterday it rained).” - Here, “kinou (yesterday)” is the subject, and information about that day's weather is given.

2. “wo”:
   - “ringo wo tabemasu (I will eat an apple).” - In this sentence, “ringo (apple)” is the object of the action, “tabemasu (will eat).”
   - “hon wo yomimasu (I will read a book).” - Here, “hon (book)” is the object of the action “yomimasu (will read).”

3. “ga”:
   - “inu ga niwa de asondeimasu (The dog is playing in the yard).” - In this sentence, “inu (the dog)” is the subject, and the fact that the dog is playing in the yard is emphasized.
   - “kanojo ga atarashii shigoto wo hajimemasita (She has started a new job).” - Here, “kanojo (she)” is the subject and it is stated that she has started a new job.

4. “mo”:
   - “watashi mo ringo wo tabemasu (I eat apples too).” - In this sentence, the “watashi mo (I~too)” component indicates who performs the action “ringo wo tabemasu (eat apples).”
   - “tomodachi mo eiga ni kyoumi ga arimasu (My friends are also interested in the movie).” - Here, the “tomodachi mo (my friends are also)” part adds information to the statement, “eiga ni kyoumi ga arimasu (interested in the movie).” 

5. “ni”:
   - “gakkou ni ikimasu (I will go to school).” - In this sentence, the “gakkou ni (to school)” part indicates a destination or goal.
   - “tomodachi ni tegami wo okurimasu (I will send a letter to my friend).” - Here, the “tomodachi ni (to my friend)” part indicates the recipient of the letter.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 221 知っておきたい日本のマナー(しっておきたいにほんのマナー)

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Japanese manners you should know

Here are 10 Japanese manners you should know.

(1) Do not bring potted flowers for hospital visits in Japan

Potted flowers have roots, and this sometimes brings to mind the expression “nezuku” (taking root). This also refers to lying in bed due to sickness. Therefore, bringing potted flowers when visiting a sick person in a hospital is sometimes said to make their condition worse or to bring in bad luck.

(2) Why do people in Japan bring an orchid flower bowl to celebrate the opening of a business?

In Japan, it is customary to send an orchid flower bowl when celebrating the opening of a business or the success of a new venture. This is derived from a Chinese custom.

The “ran-no-hatsu-u” is a traditional Chinese symbol of blessings and wishes for prosperity and success. In Japan, this is treated as a way to pray for the opening of a business or the success of a new business. It is also considered to symbolize the continued success of a business, as the bowl itself is made of ceramic, thus it is durable and expected to last a long time.

This custom is an ingrained part of Japanese culture, and such gifts are often used to celebrate the opening or success of a business.

(3) Why heap salt at the entrance of a store?

Salt is widely known as a symbol of purification. Since ancient times, salt has been used in various religions and beliefs to ward off bad and evil. It is believed that placing salt at the entrance of a store repels bad luck and evil spirits and attracts good energy.

(4) Do not leave chopsticks sticking into rice

Sticking chopsticks upright into rice is meant as an offering to the dead. Therefore, it is taboo to give rice with chopsticks sticking upright to a living person.

(5) Noodles may be slurped. But do not chew loudly when eating things.

In Japan, slurping noodles is permitted, but making loud chewing noises when eating something in one's mouth is not so appreciated. It is considered desirable to minimize the sound of eating, and it is normal to enjoy a meal quietly, especially in public or during formal meals.

(6) When serving a fish whole, the head should always be on the left.

Generally, when eating in Japan, chopsticks are held with the right hand and the fish is held in place with the left hand. Therefore, if the fish is served with the head of the fish on the left side, it will be easier for right-handed people to eat. Also, with the fish head on the left side, it is closer to the fish's natural swimming posture, which also emphasizes the beauty of the fish's appearance.

This custom has been handed down as part of the fine attention to detail and manners in Japanese food culture. Therefore, when serving fish with a tail head, it is customary for the head to be placed on the left side.

(7) On escalators, people stand on the left in the Kanto region and on the right in the Kansai region.

In the Kanto region, standing on the left side of the escalator makes it easier for people in a hurry or are carrying luggage to have room to pass on the right. On the other hand, in the Kansai region, the opposite is true: stand on the right side of the escalator so that people who wish to pass on the left side can do so smoothly.

(8) In Japan, cars are on the left and people are on the right

Historically, Japan was strongly influenced by the British when adopting Western culture and technology in the 19th century. In this context, the Japanese traffic system also followed the British one. In England, cars drive on the left side of the road. Incidentally, people can walk on either side of the road, but if there are many people, it is advisable to go with the flow.

(9) Smoking while walking is prohibited in many areas in Japan

Smoking while walking is prohibited in many areas in Japan. It is generally prohibited in busy shopping streets, downtown areas, public places, and waiting areas of transportation systems.

One of the reasons walking with a cigarette is prohibited is because of the inconvenience and health risks to other people. Cigarette smoke and the smell of cigarettes can be offensive to those around you and increase the risk of passive smoking, which is why it is often prohibited in public places. Police and local government officials may patrol and enforce the ban, so please be aware of this.

(10) Marijuana is a drug and will be severely punished.

In Japan, marijuana is classified as a narcotic and is strictly regulated by law. According to Japan's Narcotics Control Law, marijuana is classified as an illegal drug and its possession, use, cultivation, sale, and transportation are strictly prohibited. Possession or use of marijuana can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines.
Therefore, foreigners visiting or residing in Japan must properly comply with Japan's drug laws. While some countries are legalizing or deregulating marijuana, there is no such movement in Japan yet. Please do not bring any with you by mistake.

These are 10 common manners in Japan. Please be aware that this is not only a matter of good or ad manners, but may have to do with the law with the risk of an arrest.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 220 江戸時代の時間の呼び方(えどじだいのじかんのよびかた)

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Time in the Edo Period

Today, we take it for granted that 24 hours is expressed in terms of hours and minutes, but in the Edo period (1603-1868), time was referred to in a different way. Although nowadays, we rarely refer to time in this way, it is frequently used in anime, movies, and TV programs based in the Edo period, so here is a basic introduction.

In the Edo period, time was generally divided into 12 equal parts, morning and afternoon, using a 12-hour clock system. Each hour represents two and a half hours.

Specifically, the time is as follows

The hour of the Rat: from around 5:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
The hour of the Ox: from around 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
The hour of the Tiger: from around 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The hour of the Rabbit: from around 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The hour of the Dragon: from around 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The hour of the Snake: from around 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The hour of the Horse: from around 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
The hour of the Sheep: from around 10:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
The hour of the Monkey: from around 1:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m.
The hour of the Rooster: from around 4:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
The hour of the Dog: from around 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The hour of the Boar: from around 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m.

As can be seen from the above, the wide range of times may have made it difficult to arrange a rendezvous with someone. For example when saying “Let's meet at Tanaka Teahouse in Fukamachi at lunchtime,” a specific location is indicated, but the exact time is not specified, just that it is sometime during the middle of the day.

In the past, unlike today, people probably did not live their lives by the hours and minutes. For those of us today, we cannot live with the general sense of time as in the Edo period. Especially for those like the military (Samurai), in particular, how did they manage their schedules? It is unimaginable in today's world.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 219 日本の旧暦(にほんのきゅうれき)

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1. 「おおきく()りかぶって」:この作品(さくひん)は、高校(こうこう)野球(やきゅう)題材(だいざい)にしたアニメで、(はる)選抜(せんばつ)大会(たいかい)(なつ)甲子園(こうしえん)大会(たいかい)など、日本(にほん)野球(やきゅう)文化(ぶんか)伝統的(でんとうてき)行事(ぎょうじ)(えが)かれています。時折(ときおり)旧暦(きゅうれき)(つき)()(かた)季節(きせつ)(うつ)()わりが登場(とうじょう)することがあります。

2. 「ちはやふる」:このアニメは、かるたを題材(だいざい)にした作品(さくひん)で、主人公(しゅじんこう)たちがかるたの大会(たいかい)練習(れんしゅう)(つう)じて成長(せいちょう)していく姿(すがた)(えが)かれています。日本(にほん)伝統的(でんとうてき)行事(ぎょうじ)季節(きせつ)(うつ)()わりが描写(びょうしゃ)される(なか)で、旧暦(きゅうれき)(つき)()(かた)登場(とうじょう)することがあります。

3. 「刀剣乱舞(とうけんらんぶ)」:この作品(さくひん)は、戦国時代(せんごくじだい)刀剣(とうけん)擬人化(ぎじんか)したキャラクターたちが活躍(かつやく)するアニメで、歴史的(れきしてき)背景(はいけい)伝統的(でんとうてき)行事(ぎょうじ)重要(じゅうよう)要素(ようそ)として登場(とうじょう)します。その(なか)で、旧暦(きゅうれき)(つき)()(かた)季節(きせつ)(うつ)()わりが(えが)かれることがあります。

4. 「新世紀(しんせいき)エヴァンゲリオン」:この作品(さくひん)では、神話(しんわ)宗教的(しゅうきょうてき)要素(ようそ)(おお)()()れられており、その(なか)旧暦(きゅうれき)(つき)()(かた)季節(きせつ)(うつ)()わりが時折(ときおり)登場(とうじょう)します。

5. 「幕末(ばくまつ)機関(きかん)(せつ) いろはにほへと」:このアニメは、幕末(ばくまつ)時代(じだい)にタイムスリップした少年(しょうねん)たちが活躍(かつやく)する作品(さくひん)であり、幕末(ばくまつ)風俗(ふうぞく)行事(ぎょうじ)、そして旧暦(きゅうれき)(つき)()(かた)(えが)かれます。

6. 「境界(きょうかい)彼方(かなた)」:この作品(さくひん)は、ファンタジー要素(ようそ)(ふく)青春(せいしゅん)アクション作品(さくひん)で、妖怪(ようかい)異世界(いせかい)などの要素(ようそ)()()れられています。その(なか)で、旧暦(きゅうれき)(つき)()(かた)季節(きせつ)(うつ)()わりが一部(いちぶ)のエピソードで登場(とうじょう)します。


The Lunar Calendar in Japan

In ancient Japan, people had different names for the months of the year. They previously called January through December:
  • January: Mutsuki
  • February: Kisaragi
  • March: Yayoi
  • April: Uzuki
  • May: Satsuki
  • June: Minazuki
  • July: Fumizuki
  • August: Hazuki
  • September: Nagatsuki
  • October: Kanna-zuki
  • November: Shimotsuki
  • December: Shiwasu
Many of these month names relate to seasons, natural phenomena, and events, and Japanese people have used them since ancient times. While Japanese people don’t use this lunar calendar in everyday conversations as much anymore, they still use it in some events.

Several animes incorporate elements of the lunar calendar, including:

1. Big Windup!: This anime depicts Japanese baseball culture and traditional events, occasionally referring to the lunar calendar's call of the moon and the changing seasons.

2. Chihayafuru: Based on karuta, this anime shows traditional Japanese events and changing seasons, sometimes referring to the lunar calendar's month names.

3. Touken Ranbu: This anime features anthropomorphic sword characters from the Warring States period, incorporating historical backgrounds and traditional events, including the lunar calendar's months and changing seasons.

4. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Incorporating mythological and religious elements, this anime occasionally mentions the lunar months and changing seasons.

5. Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto: Following the adventures of boys traveling back in time to the end of the Edo period, this anime depicts customs, events, and the lunar calendar's month names.

6. Beyond the Boundary: This fantasy action anime incorporates elements of yokai and other worlds, occasionally referring to the lunar calendar's months and changing seasons.

These animes incorporate elements of the lunar calendar to better express traditional Japanese events and seasons. It's not just the moon; the way the Edo period expressed time was also different from how it’s done today, which we'll discuss in the next issue. 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 218 品がある(ひんがある)

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この(かんが)(かた )から、品格(ひんかく)()(ひと)は「上品(じょうひん)」と(しょう)され、品格(ひんかく)(わる)(ひと)は「下品(げひん)」と()ばれるようになりました。品格(ひんかく)向上(こうじょう)善行(ぜんこう)実践(じっせん)は、仏教徒(ぶっきょうと)にとって重要(じゅうよう)価値観(かちかん)であり、より()()まれ()わりを(むか)えるための努力(どりょく)とされています。


The Difference Between “Jouhin” and “Gehin” in Japanese

In Japanese culture, the word “hin” plays an important role in describing a person’s or object’s current state. People use this word to imply if something is of high quality or low quality, while referring to the object’s overall quality and character. In Japanese, “jouhin” means sophistication, and “gehin” means vulgarity.  

The word “jouhin” implies politeness, thoughtfulness, and a high level of education and knowledge. In Japanese culture, people value sophistication, which is important in social status and relationships.

“Gehin,” however, refers to rude speech, coarse attitudes, and immoral behavior. Vulgarity is socially reprehensible, so people generally avoid it.

The word “hin” is a term for the quality of character, and the concept originates in Buddhist beliefs. In Buddhism, people’s conduct determines their destination in the afterlife. There are nine levels of afterlife: “joubon-joushou,” “joubon-chuushou,” “joubon-geshou,” “chuubon-joushou,” “chuubon-chuushou,” “chuubon-geshou,” “gebon-joushou,” “gebon-chuushou,” “gebon-geshou” (“bon” shares the same character as “hin”).

“Joubon-joushou” (upper grade, upper birth) is the highest of the nine, and high-ranking people enjoy this level of the afterlife since it demonstrates rebirth as an extremely happy world, which is also known as the Pure Land of Paradise. “Joubon-chuushou” (upper grade, middle birth) and “joubon-geshou” (upper grade, lower birth) are also the worlds where high-ranking people are reborn, but are not nearly as happy as they experience some suffering. 

On the other hand, “chuubon-joushou” (middle grade, upper birth), “chuubon-chuushou” (middle grade, middle birth), and “chuubon-geshou” (middle grade, lower birth) are worlds where ordinary people are reborn, and the levels of happiness and suffering are moderate. In the “gebon-joushou” (lower grade, upper birth), “gebon-chuushou” (lower grade, middle birth), “gebon-geshou” (lower grade, lower birth) worlds, low-ranking people are reborn, and their suffering is more extreme.

Based on this concept, they call more dignified people “jouhin” and they call less dignified people a “gehin.” Improving one’s dignity and practicing good deeds are important values for Buddhists, and many believe these efforts will lead to a better reincarnation.

In contemporary Japanese society, people label individuals with crude and inappropriate manners as “gehin.” People may describe someone as “gehin” if their manners and behavior are disrespectful to others or don’t conform to social norms. It is important to be aware that in Japan, Japanese people may consider what is common practice overseas as “gehin."

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 217 ファミレス

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1. 幅広(はばひろ)いメニュー: ファミレスは、多様(たよう)料理(りょうり)()(もの)提供(ていきょう)します。これにより、様々(さまざま)(この)みや食事(しょくじ)制限(せいげん)()顧客(こきゃく)満足(まんぞく)できるようになっています。

2. 手軽(てがる)雰囲気(ふんいき): リラックスした雰囲気(ふんいき)で、家族(かぞく)友人(ゆうじん)同士(どうし)(あつ)まって(たの)しめる場所(ばしょ)です。(とく)子供(こども)()れの家族(かぞく)利用(りよう)しやすい雰囲気(ふんいき)重視(じゅうし)されます。

3. リーズナブルな価格(かかく)(たい): ファミレスの料金(りょうきん)一般的(いっぱんてき)手頃(てごろ)なものであり、幅広(はばひろ)人々(ひとびと)利用(りよう)しやすい価格(かかく)(たい)設定(せってい)されています。

4. 子供向(こどもむ)けメニューと設備(せつび): 子供向(こどもむ)けのメニュー、子供(こども)(よう)椅子(いす)やおもちゃが準備(じゅんび)されています。子供向(こどもむ)けの(あそ)びスペースが整備(せいび)されていることもあります。

5. 営業(えいぎょう)時間(じかん): 朝食(ちょうしょく)からランチ、夕食(ゆうしょく)まで、一(にち)(とお)して営業(えいぎょう)しています。



Have you heard of Famiresu? Famiresu is a shortened version of "family restaurant," a restaurant chain that offers a wide variety of reasonably priced food. They serve dishes from Japanese, Chinese, and Western cuisines. They don't categorize "fast food" chains like Yoshinoya, Matsuya, McDonald's, KFC, and Fuji Soba, among others, as "family restaurants". So, what kind of restaurants fall into the family restaurant category?

Examples include "Denny's," "Gusto," "Jonathan," "Saizeriya," "Royal Host," "Otoya," and "Bamiyan." "Sushiro" and "Kura Sushi" are chain restaurants serving conveyor-belt sushi. However, we don't generally consider "Gyukaku", a yakiniku chain restaurant, a family restaurant. The following definition of a family restaurant clarifies the reason for this.

1. Wide menu: Family restaurants offer a diverse range of food and beverages to satisfy customers with different tastes and dietary restrictions.

2. Easy-going atmosphere: They emphasize a relaxed environment where families and friends can gather and have fun, especially accommodating families with children.

3. Reasonably priced: Family restaurants typically maintain affordable prices, making them accessible to a broad audience.

4. Kid's menus and facilities: They provide kids' menus, chairs, and toys, and the restaurant may even have dedicated play areas.

5. Hours of operation: Family restaurants are open throughout the day, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Restaurants with the above characteristics are generally considered family restaurants, though this classification may vary by region and culture. If you visit Japan, consider trying a family restaurant. It might surprise you, especially at "Denise," as their menu differs significantly from the U.S. menu.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 216 漢字・ひらがな・カタカナ・ローマ字(かんじ・ひらがな・カタカナ・ローマじ)

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1. 漢字(かんじ)(Kanji):

2. ひらがな(Hiragana):

3. カタカナ(Katakana):

4. ローマ()(Romaji):

これらの文字(もじ)体系(たいけい)()()わさることで、日本語(にほんご)多様(たよう)情報(じょうほう)効果的(こうかてき)(つた)えることができます。日本語(にほんご)(ただ)しい発音(はつおん)(まな)(さい)に、ローマ()表記(ひょうき)することで日本語(にほんご)発音(はつおん)(くず)してしまう可能性(かのうせい)があります。(たと)えば、「こんにちは」をローマ()表記(ひょうき)すると"Konnichiwa"となり、「こんにちは」との発音(はつおん)(こと)なってしまいます。これは、ローマ()において単体(たんたい)の"n" を「ん」と発音(はつおん)することがないためです。日本語(にほんご)音韻(おんいん)体系(たいけい)では、「ん」は単独(たんどく)発音(はつおん)されることがありますが、ローマ()ではその表現(ひょうげん)がないため、正確(せいかく)発音(はつおん)表現(ひょうげん)することが(むずか)しくなります。


Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Romaji

The historical background and characteristics of each writing system drive the use of kanji, hiragana, katakana, and romaji in Japanese.

1. Kanji:
Japanese people adopted kanji from China, and it represents some of the Japanese vocabulary. Kanji is well-suited for expressing words and concepts, playing a crucial role in writing. It helps distinguish homonyms and contributes to lexical diversity.

2. Hiragana:
Hiragana, a distinctly Japanese script, primarily represents grammatical elements like particles, auxiliary verbs, and conjugated endings. It serves as an easily readable writing system for children and beginners. Hiragana is also used as furigana for kanji, indicating the reading of challenging characters.

3. Katakana:
Katakana, another uniquely Japanese script, is something Japanese people use for writing words of foreign origin, including foreign words, proper nouns, and scientific terms. It helps when borrowing vocabulary and introducing new concepts, and you can use it to emphasize things and convey special connotations.

4. Romaji: 
Romaji is an alphabetic writing system useful for foreigners learning Japanese and digital communication, like email and other writing on the internet. They also use romaji to write foreign languages and technical terms.

Collectively, these writing systems let the Japanese language effectively convey a wide range of information. When learning Japanese pronunciation accurately, hiragana and katakana are more suitable than romaji. Romaji can disrupt Japanese pronunciation; for instance, the word "konnichiwa" in romaji is "Konichiwa," which is pronounced differently from "konnichiwa" because they never pronounce the single "n" as "n" in romaji. Hiragana and katakana are designed to represent Japanese pronunciation directly, helping students understand accurate pronunciation. Additionally, students can learn natural pronunciation by actively listening to and speaking Japanese.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 215 日本語の代表的な形容詞(にほんごのだいひょうてきなけいようし)

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1. (あたら)しい (atarashii) - new
- このスマートフォンは(あたら)しいです。
(This smartphone is new.)

2. (ふる)い (furui) - old
- その(いえ)(ふる)いですが、(うつく)しいです。
(The house is old but beautiful.)

3. (おお)きい (ookii) - big
- あのビルはとても(おお)きいです。
(That building is very big.)

4. (ちい)さい (chiisai) - small
- 彼女(かのじょ)(ちい)さい手袋(てぶくろ)()っています。
(She has small gloves.)

5. (たか)い (takai) - high, tall, expensive
- この(やま)はとても(たか)いです。
(This mountain is very high.)

6. (やす)い (yasui) - cheap, inexpensive
- このシャツはとても(やす)いです。
(This shirt is very cheap.)

7. (はや)い (hayai) - fast, quick
- 彼女(かのじょ)(はや)いランナーです。
(She is a fast runner.)

8. (おそ)い (osoi) - slow, late
- (かれ)はいつも(おく)れて()ます。
(He always comes late.)

9. (しず)かな (shizukana) - quiet
- 公園(こうえん)はとても(しず)かな場所(ばしょ)です。
(The park is a very quiet place.)

10. (あか)るい (akarui) - bright, cheerful
- 彼女(かのじょ)笑顔(えがお)はとても(あか)るいです。
(Her smile is very bright.)

11. (くら)い (kurai) - dark
- その部屋(へや)(くら)くて()えません。
(The room is too dark to see.)

12. (なが)い (nagai) - long
- この(みち)はとても(なが)いです。
(This road is very long.)

13. (みじか)い (mijikai) - short
- その鉛筆(えんぴつ)(みじか)くなっています。
(That pencil is getting short.)

14. (つよ)い (tsuyoi) - strong
- (かれ)はとても(つよ)(ひと)です。
(He is a very strong person.)

15. (よわ)い (yowai) - weak
- 彼女(かのじょ)病気(びょうき)(からだ)(よわ)いです。
(She is weak because of illness.)

16. (うつく)しい (utsukushii)- beautiful
- 彼女(かのじょ)(うつく)しい花束(はなたば)()っています。
(She has a beautiful bouquet of flowers.)

17. (みにく)い (minikui) - ugly
- その建物(たてもの)(みにく)いですが、歴史的(れきしてき)価値(かち)があります。
(The building is ugly, but it has historical value.)

18. (たの)しい (tanoshii) - fun, enjoyable
- そのパーティーはとても(たの)しいです。
(The party is very fun.)

19. 退屈(たいくつ)な (taikutsuna) - boring
- (かれ)毎日(まいにち)(おな)じことをするのが退屈(たいくつ)です。
(He finds it boring to do the same thing every day.)

20. 素晴(すば)らしい (subarashii) - wonderful, fantastic
- この映画(えいが)素晴(すば)らしいです!
(This movie is wonderful!)


Typical Japanese Adjectives

Today, we’d like to introduce you to 20 common Japanese adjectives along with example sentences.

1. Atarashii - new
Kono sumart phone wa atarashii desu.
This smartphone is new.

2. Furui - old
Sono ie wa furui desuga utsukushi desu.
The house is old but beautiful.

3. Ookii - big
Ano biru wa totemo ookii desu.
That building is very big.

4. Chiisai - small
Kanojo wa chiisai tebukuro wo motteimasu.
She has small gloves.

5. Takai - high, tall, expensive
Kono yama wa totemo takai desu.
This mountain is very high.

6. Yasui - cheap, inexpensive
Kono shatsu wa totemo yasui desu.
This shirt is very cheap.

7. Hayai - fast, quick
Kanojo wa hayai ranner desu.
She is a fast runner.

8. Osoi - slow, late
Kare wa itsumo okurete kimasu.
He always comes late.

9. Shizukana - quiet
Kouen wa totemo shizukana basho desu.
The park is a very quiet place.

10. Akarui - bright, cheerful
Kanojo no egao wa totemo akarui desu.
Her smile is very bright.

11. Kurai - dark
Sono heya wa kurakute miemasen.
The room is too dark to see.

12. Nagai - long
Kono michi wa totemo nagai desu.
This road is very long.

13. Mijikai - short
Sono enpitsu wa mijikaku natteimasu.
That pencil is getting short.

14. Tsuyoi - strong
Kare wa totemo tsuyoi hito desu.
He is a very strong person.

15. Yowai - weak
Kanojo wa byouki de karada ga yowai desu.
She is weak because of illness.

16. Utsukushii - beautiful
Kanojo wa utsukushii hanataba wo motte imasu.
She has a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

17. Minikui - ugly
Sono tatemono wa minikui desuga rekishitekina kachi ga arimasu.
The building is ugly, but it has historical value.

18. Tanoshii - fun, enjoyable
Sono party wa totemo tanoshii desu.
The party is very fun.

19. Taikutsuna - boring
Kare wa mainichi onajikoto wo surunoga taikutsu desu.
He finds it boring to do the same thing every day.

20. Subarashii - wonderful, fantastic
Kono eiga wa subarashii desu!
This movie is wonderful!

Needless to say, there are many other Japanese adjectives besides these.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 214 日本の助数詞(にほんのじょすうし)

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Counting in Japanese

The words you use to count in Japanese, or josuushi, are Japanese words that express quantity by adding numbers. When counting something, you choose an appropriate particle based on the nature, shape, and type of the object. You usually place a particle after a number to indicate the more specific nature or type of quantity.

When counting animals, the particle will depend on the type of animal, especially its size. Some typical examples are: 

Hiki (匹): 1 (ippiki), 2 (nihiki), 3 (sanbiki)...
We typically tend to use these particles to count small animals such as dogs and cats, as well as live fish.

Tou (頭): 1 (itto), 2 (nitou), 3 (santou)...
We typically use these particles to count large animals such as horses and cows.

Wa (羽): 1 (ichiwa), 2 (niwa), 3 (sanwa)...
We typically use these particles to count birds.

There are exceptions among the animal counting particles. For example, to count rabbits, we’d use 1 (ichiwa) and 2 (niwa) instead of 1 (ipiki) and 2 (nihiki), but if you did use the wrong counting particle, people would still understand what it means.

The way to count boats also depends on their size and purpose.
  • Seki (隻): A particle to count large ships and vessels.
  • Sou (艘): to count medium to small-sized vessels.
  • Kan (艦): A particle to count ships and vessels. It is generally used to count warships and military vessels.

To count people, you would use "nin" (人), but if you’re only counting one person, you would use "hitori" (one person), rather than "ichinin" (one person). When counting two people, you’d use "futari" (two people), not "niinin" (two people). For three or more people, you would use "san-nin" (three people) with "nin" added to the number.

Usage and conventions of each language determine the evolution of language while cultural factors largely influence it. For this reason, some parts of Japanese particles are difficult to learn, but as you get used to them, you will learn how to use them naturally.


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