Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 203 Suica IC カード

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1. 公共(こうきょう)交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)での利用(りよう)鉄道(てつどう)やバス、地下鉄(ちかてつ)などを利用(りよう)する(さい)にカードを専用(せんよう)のリーダー機器(きき)にかざすと、自動的(じどうてき)運賃(うんちん)支払(しはら)われます。(とく)東京(とうきょう)などの都市圏(としけん)(ひろ)使用(しよう)されており、大変(たいへん)便利(べんり)です。

2. 電子(でんし)マネーとしての利用(りよう):Suicaは電子(でんし)マネーとしても使用(しよう)できます。対応(たいおう)している店舗(てんぽ)自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)、コンビニなどでSuicaをかざすことで、現金(げんきん)使(つか)わずに支払(しはら)いができます。

3. ()接触(せっしょく)決済(けっさい):Suicaは()接触(せっしょく)決済(けっさい)技術(ぎじゅつ)採用(さいよう)しています。カードをリーダー機器(きき)にかざすだけで、素早(すばや)くかつ簡単(かんたん)支払(しはら)いが(おこな)えます。これにより、()時間(じかん)短縮(たんしゅく)され、利便性(りべんせい)向上(こうじょう)します。

4. チャージ可能(かのう):Suicaには事前(じぜん)にチャージ(入金(にゅうきん))する仕組(しく)みがあります。(まえ)もって必要(ひつよう)金額(きんがく)をカードにチャージしておくと、使(つか)(たび)にそこから()かれます。チャージは(えき)自動(じどう)券売機(けんばいき)特定(とくてい)店舗(てんぽ)(おこな)えます。

5. 交通(こうつう)(けい)ICカード:Suicaは、日本(にほん)国内(こくない)交通(こうつう)(けい)ICカードの(ひと)つです。(ほか)にもPASMO、ICOCA、Kitacaなど、地域(ちいき)によって(こと)なりますが同様(どうよう)機能(きのう)()つカードがあります。

Suicaは日本(にほん)国内(こくない)非常(ひじょう)(ひろ)普及(ふきゅう)しており、観光客(かんこうきゃく)地元(じもと)人々(ひとびと)にとって便利(べんり)支払(しはら)手段(しゅだん)として利用(りよう)されています。通常(つうじょう)、Suicaの(もう)()みには500(えん)のデポジットが必要(ひつよう)ですが、旅行者(りょこうしゃ)()けのWelcome Suicaはデポジットが不要(ふよう)です。Welcome Suicaは購入(こうにゅう)から28日間(にちかん)有効(ゆうこう)です。

2022(ねん)8(がつ)2日(ふつか)から、当面(とうめん)(あいだ)、Welcome Suicaは以下(いか)場所(ばしょ)でのみ販売(はんばい)されます。
・ カウンター
JR東日本(ひがしにほん)トラベルサービスセンター:成田(なりた)空港(くうこう)ターミナル1(えき)成田(なりた)空港(くうこう)ターミナル2,3(えき)東京(とうきょう)モノレール羽田(はねだ)空港(くうこう)(せん) 羽田(はねだ)空港(くうこう)ターミナル3(えき)
・ Welcome Suica自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)
成田(なりた)空港(くうこう)ターミナル1(えき)成田(なりた)空港(くうこう)ターミナル2,3(えき)東京(とうきょう)モノレール羽田(はねだ)空港(くうこう)(せん) 羽田(はねだ)空港(くうこう)ターミナル3(えき)
基本的(きほんてき)に、Welcome Suicaの販売(はんばい)1人(ひとり)につき1つです。


Suica IC Card

Suica is an electronic money card that you can use on public transportation and select stores in Japan. The following highlights some of Suica's features:

Public Transportation:

Hover the card over a dedicated reader while using trains, buses, subways, etc., and it automatically pays for your fare. This feature is particularly convenient and extensively utilized in urban areas like Tokyo.

Electronic Money:

Suica cards serves as electronic money, allowing payments at compatible stores, vending machines, convenience stores, etc., by simply waving the card, eliminating the need for cash.

Contactless Payment:

Suica cards utilizes contactless payment technology, enabling swift and easy payments by holding the card over a reader device. This minimizes waiting times and enhances convenience.


Suica cards have a charging mechanism, letting users pre-charge the card with the required amount, and every time they use the card, it takes out the deducted amount. Users can charge at ticket vending machines in train stations or specific stores.

Transportation System IC Card:

Suica is one of Japan's transportation system IC cards, alongside others like PASMO, ICOCA, and Kitaca, each varying by region.

In Japan, people embrace Suica cards, offering a convenient payment method for both tourists and locals. To get a Suica card, people must deposit 500 yen, but the Welcome Suica card for travelers waives this requirement and remains valid for 28 days from purchase.

Starting August 2, 2022, the Welcome Suica card will exclusively be available at the following locations:

Counters JR East Travel Service Center:

Narita Airport Terminal 1 station
Narita Airport Terminal 2 and 3 stations
Tokyo Monorail Haneda Airport Line Haneda Airport Terminal 3 station

Welcome Suica Vending Machines

Narita Airport Terminal 1 stations
Narita Airport Terminal 2 and 3 stations
Haneda Airport Terminal 3 stations on the Tokyo Monorail Haneda Airport Line

Typically, people purchase one Welcome Suica card per person.

Suica cards prove to be highly convenient, and applicable on trains, buses, cabs, convenience stores, vending machines, restaurants, etc.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 202 無駄を示す日本のことわざ(むだをしめすにほんのことわざ)

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Japanese Proverbs

Uma No Mimi Ni Nenbutsu / To preach to the wind

The Japanese proverb "Uma No Mimi Ni Nenbutsu" describes a situation that’s challenging to convey or understand. 

This proverb suggests reciting a nenbutsu (a melodic and religious chant) in a horse's ear is futile because it won't understand it, rendering it ineffective. Japanese people employ this proverb when the other person fails to grasp the meaning.

Neko Ni Koban / To cast pearls before swine

"Neko Ni koban" is a Japanese proverb expressing a sense of wastefulness. Specifically, it conveys that even if a cat owns a koban (a Japanese coin), it’s oblivious to its value, resulting in a squandered opportunity.

Noren Ni Udeoshi / To beat the air

The expression " Noren Ni Udeoshi" characterizes a situation where someone extends goodwill but receives no response, akin to anticipating nothing will transpire. People often use it to describe a person as it pertains to offering futile advice, similar to pushing against a traditional Japanese "noren," a cloth sign that stores, restaurants, and inns hang to identify themselves, only to not receive any acknowledgment.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 201 円安の意味(えんやすのいみ)

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存知(ぞんじ)(とお)り、現在(げんざい)日本円(にほんえん)はUS$1 = 151(えん)という円安(えんやす)推移(すいい)しており、過去(かこ)30(ねん)(かん)(もっと)日本円(にほんえん)(やす)取引(とりひき)されています。過去(かこ)のデータから(かんが)えると、2011(ねん)10(がつ)31(にち)(えん)過去(かこ)最高値(さいたかね)であるUS$1 = 75.32(えん)記録(きろく)しています。当時(とうじ)(くら)べると、日本円(にほんえん)半分(はんぶん)以下(いか)価格(かかく)取引(とりひき)されていることになります。




The Meaning Behind the Weak Yen

As you are aware, the current U.S. dollar to Japanese yen conversion is at US$1 = 151 yen, marking the yen’s weakest position in the past 30 years. Looking at historical data, the yen reached an all-time high of US$1 = 75.32 yen on October 31, 2011. In comparison to that period, the Japanese yen is now trading at less than half of its value in 2011.

What does this depreciation of the yen mean? It means that prices in Japan are remarkably low in comparison to historical standards. For instance, at the 100 yen store you frequent during your visits to Japan, this translates to 
$0.67 (or 100 yen) per item in U.S. dollars. However, it’s important to note that this doesn't imply that prices in Japan are inherently cheap; rather, it suggests that prices in Japan give off a perception of affordability when viewing them from overseas.

Consequently, there is a current uptick in the number of foreign tourists. In 2019, approximately 32 million foreign tourists visited Japan, but due to the pandemic, the numbers dwindled to just eight million from 2020 to 2022. Nevertheless, by 2023, it has since rebounded to around 80% of its peak. Today, the presence of many foreigners is palpable wherever you go in Japan, particularly in Tokyo and Kyoto, which are popular cities among foreign tourists.

Even though foreigners can acquire accommodations, meals, and souvenirs in Japan at a discounted rate, travel expenses to Japan present a different scenario. In comparison to the pre-pandemic era, travel costs are approximately 40% higher, and they anticipate that this trend of yen depreciating over time will persist. Therefore, this could be an opportune time to contemplate importing Japanese goods or outsourcing to Japan.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 200 オノマトペ:擬音語、擬態語(オノマトペ:ぎおんご、ぎたいご)

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Onomatopoeia (sound symbolism, mimetic words)

What is an onomatopoeia? An onomatopoeia refers to symbolic sounds or mimetic words. It is a word or sound effect that imitates a sound or motion. In the Japanese language, there’s a variety of onomatopoeias. Some typical onomatopoeias are:

Goro-goro: the sound of thunder or a large object rolling
Kira-kira: the sound of sparkling objects and describes light shining on something
Wan-wan: the sound of a dog barking
Musha-musha: the sound of someone chewing food or munching something
Pika-pika: the sound of something shining or glittering
Pota-pota: the sound of light rain or liquid falling
Kuru-kuru: the sound of something spinning in a circle
Guru-guru: the sound of something spinning around
Kari-kari: the sound of scratching a hard object or eating something crunchy
Zubo-zubo: the sound of liquid going or squirming through something
Kasa-kasa: the sound of something dry or the sound of something rustling lightly
Zawa-zawa: the sound of something rustling or the sound of a noisy environment, which gives off the sense of feeling anxious or uneasy
Moro-moro: the sound of something falling apart, giving off the feeling of things being scattered
Bin-bin: a very sharp and intense sound 
Tsuru-tsuru: the sound of something smooth like a sleek surface
Gabu-gabu: the sound of someone taking a large bite or drinking something
Kyaa-kyaa: the sound of joy and excitement, or surprise and fear (as a woman or child making a cute surprised sound)
Zaa-zaa: the sound of heavy rain falling
Kin-kin: the sound of something sharp or high-pitched like metal clanging, or something extremely cold
Hoka-hoka: the sound that gives off the feeling of something warm and comforting
Poka-poka: the sound that gives off the feeling of the sun’s pleasant warmth
Bari-bari: the sound of something hard cracking or the feeling of something strong

Japanese people don’t just use these onomatopoeia examples as words, but they also use them to vividly express sensations and conditions. In Japanese, people use onomatopoeias frequently and they play a role in conveying various expressions in communication and writing.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 199 鬼とお化けと妖怪の違い(おにとおばけとようかいのちがい)

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The Difference between Oni, Obake, and Yokai

Today I would like to talk about the differences between "Oni", "Obake," and "Yokai," and each of their characteristics.


Oni are generally portrayed as evil beings and appear in Japanese legends and myths. They often have a fearsome appearance and are characterized by horns and fangs, large eyes, and red skin. Oni are spoken of as beings that oppose humans and gods and do evil. A well-known example would be "Onigashima."


Obake is a common term in Japanese legends and folk beliefs for spiritual beings or ghosts. They are sometimes described as the spirits or ghosts of the dead and may haunt places or objects. They may take human form, but can also be disguised as a haunted cat or a haunted fox.


Yokai are mysterious and supernatural beings in Japanese legends and folk beliefs. They have a wide variety of characteristics, ranging from those having the form of humans to those that take the form of animals or objects. Yokai can be both benevolent and malevolent, and appear extensively in Japanese folklore and legends.

Simply put, oni are generally evil beings, obake are spiritual beings or ghosts, and yokai are mystical beings, each with different characteristics and backgrounds. However, these definitions are ambiguous, and may vary from context to context.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 198 外国人が日本で嫌われる行動(がいこくじんがにほんできらわれるこうどう)

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A Guide to Behaviors to Avoid in Japan

Japan’s culture and customs differ from those of other countries, so foreigners need to be aware of common courtesies and manners when visiting Japan. Here are some behaviors by foreigners that Japanese people may dislike and other things to look out for:

Rude behavior: Although frowned upon in any country, Japanese people highly value courtesy, especially in Japan. So, it’s important to show politeness and respect to others.

Not taking your shoes off: In Japan, it is customary to remove shoes in the home and some indoor spaces. It is common to remove your shoes when entering a house, and they may ask you to remove your footwear in public places as well.

How to use chopsticks: Not knowing how to use chopsticks may lead to unintentionally breaching manners, so it’s a good idea to learn if you don’t already know how to use them.

Shouting: In Japan, you should refrain from shouting in public because you’re expected to be considerate in a quiet environment.

Pointing: Pointing at people or objects is considered rude. If you want to point at an object, using the entire palm of your hand is common.

Tattoos: In public places, especially in hot springs and swimming pools, they may ask you to hide your tattoos. This is because tattoos are associated with the yakuza.

Smoking in public: Smoking in public places is restricted and only allowed in designated areas, so you should avoid smoking in public places.

Harassment: Sexual harassment and discriminatory behavior are not tolerated in any country. These acts are also considered extremely problematic in Japan.

Garbage separation: They enforce strict garbage separation in Japan. It’s important to understand the rules of where you live, as they may differ from region to region.

As a foreigner, it’s important to respect local customs and manners and to be sensitive to cultural differences when visiting Japan. Keep it in mind to be respectful to the locals and to leave a good impression.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 197 日本は世界で一番古い国家(にほんはせかいでいちばんふるいこっか)

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Japan is the oldest nation in the world

Japan is often referred to as the "oldest nation in the world" because of its historical background. Japan has a very long history, and its continued reestablishment since ancient times has led to such an expression to be used.

Japan's history began around the 3rd century B.C., during which many eras and dynasties rose and fell. The earliest states mentioned are the Yamato or Asuka Period dynasties, which lasted from the Kofun to Nara periods. Then there was a historical transition from the Nara Period to the Heian Period, during which the capital moved to Heian-kyo.

Furthermore, Japanese history is divided into various historical periods, such as the Kamakura Period, Muromachi Period, Sengoku Period, and Edo Period, each of which having its own unique characteristics. Then, in 1868, the Meiji Restoration took place, transforming Japan from the feudal system at the end of the Edo period to a modern nation.

Japan's National Foundation Day is February 11, the day on which Emperor Jinmu is said to have ascended to the throne (believed to be 660 AD), and is a national holiday every year. This day is also known as "Kigen-Setsu," and was designated as National Foundation Day because Emperor Jinmu's accession to the throne is considered to be the origin of the founding of Japan.

However, the existence of Emperor Jinmu is disputed, and some people believe that he is one of many myths and legends. National Foundation Day is an important day in Japanese tradition and culture, and exists as a public holiday.

Until 1948, National Foundation Day was observed on January 11, but a subsequent amendment to the law changed the date to February 11, establishing it as the new Kenkoku Kinenbi (National Foundation Day). 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 196 やばい

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江戸時代(えどじだい)(1603(ねん)から1868(ねん)) 日本(にほん)には町中(まちなか)弓矢(ゆみや)()って(まと)()てるゲームをする「矢場(やば)」という場所(ばしょ)がありました。その矢場(やば)には矢場(やば)(おんな)(やばおんな)と()ばれる女性(じょせい)がいて、(きゃく)にお(さけ)()したり、(うた)(おど)りなどの娯楽(ごらく)提供(ていきょう)していました。そして次第(しだい)に、矢場(やば)男性(だんせい)女性(じょせい)(矢場(やば)(おんな))と(あそ)場所(ばしょ)から風俗的(ふうぞくてき)なサービスを提供(ていきょう)する場所(ばしょ)になっていきました。




Recently in Japan, we use the word, "yabai" to describe something great, something big, and something very good. However, the original use of the word, yabai, was to describe dangerous places, people, and things. Today, I’d like to talk about one of the theories on the origin of this word "yabai".

During the Edo period (1603-1868), there was a place called "yaba" in Japan where people played a game of shooting bows and arrows around town to hit a target. At these yaba, women, called yaba onna (yaba women), served alcohol to the customers and provided entertainment like singing and dancing. Gradually, the yaba became a place where men played this game with women (yaba women) and provided entertainment services.

As a result, the reputation of yaba being a dangerous place spread, and people started using the word, "yaba" to mean the same as dangerous. This is said to be one of the origins of the word, "yaba. However, this danger has now become a positive thing and is used synonymously with the word "awesome.

In English, the word, bad, is sometimes used to mean awesome in the same way you can translate the word, "yabai", into “bad”, in English to make the meaning easier to understand. 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 195 東京のナイトクラブ(とうきょうのナイトクラブ)

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(1) AgeHa (アゲハ): AgeHaは、東京湾(とうきょうわん)位置(いち)し、巨大(きょだい)なエンターテイメントコンプレックスで()られています。国際的(こくさいてき)なDJがプレイすることもあり、多彩(たさい)音楽(おんがく)ジャンルを(たの)しむことができます。

(2) Womb (ウーム): Wombは渋谷(しぶや)にある人気(にんき)のあるクラブで、テクノやハウスミュージックが主要(しゅよう)音楽(おんがく)ジャンルです。国際的(こくさいてき)なDJが頻繁(ひんぱん)出演(しゅつえん)し、客層(きゃくそう)多国籍(たこくせき)です。 

(3) 1 OAK Tokyo: 1 OAK Tokyoは、米国(べいこく)発祥(はっしょう)高級(こうきゅう)ナイトクラブで、東京(とうきょう)でも一流(いちりゅう)のクラブとして()られています。トップDJやセレブリティが頻繁(ひんぱん)(おとず)れ、洗練(せんれん)された雰囲気(ふんいき)(ただよ)います。 

(4) V2 Tokyo: V2 Tokyoは六本木(ろっぽんぎ)にあり、ヒップホップ、R&B、トラップなどの音楽(おんがく)特徴(とくちょう)です。外国人(がいこくじん)観光客(かんこうきゃく)にも人気(にんき)があります。 

(5) Camelot (キャメロット): Camelotは新宿(しんじゅく)にあるクラブで、複数(ふくすう)のフロアがあり、さまざまな音楽(おんがく)ジャンルを(たの)しむことができます。(とく)週末(しゅうまつ)には(おお)くの外国人(がいこくじん)(おとず)れます。

(6) Vision Tokyo: Vision Tokyoは新宿(しんじゅく)のクラブで、EDMやトランスミュージックなどが(たの)しめます。国際的(こくさいてき)なDJが頻繁(ひんぱん)にプレイし、多国籍(たこくせき)客層(きゃくそう)(あつ)まります。 

(7) TK Shibuya (ティーケーシブヤ): TK Shibuyaは、渋谷(しぶや)にあるラウンジバーからクラブへと()わる場所(ばしょ)で、外国人(がいこくじん)観光客(かんこうきゃく)にもアクセスしやすいです。 

(8) ALIFE Tokyo: ALIFE Tokyoは、外国人(がいこくじん)()けのクラブとして評判(ひょうばん)があり、洗練(せんれん)された雰囲気(ふんいき)(なか)音楽(おんがく)とダンスを(たの)しむことができます。 


Tokyo Nightclubs

There are many nightclubs in Tokyo, many of which cater to foreigners. Today, I will introduce some of the best Tokyo nightclubs for foreign visitors.

(1) AgeHa: AgeHa is located on Tokyo Bay and is known for its huge entertainment complex. International DJs sometimes play here, and you can enjoy a wide variety of music genres.

(2) Womb: Womb is a popular club in Shibuya where techno and house music are the main music genres. International DJs frequently perform and the clientele is multinational.

(3) 1 OAK Tokyo: 1 OAK Tokyo is an upscale nightclub that originated in the United States and is known as one of Tokyo's premier clubs. It is frequented by top DJs and celebrities and has a refined atmosphere.

(4) V2 Tokyo: V2 Tokyo is located in Roppongi and features hip-hop, R&B and trap music. It is popular among foreign tourists as well.

(5) Camelot: Camelot is a club in Shinjuku with multiple floors and a variety of music genres. It attracts many foreign guests, especially on weekends.

(6) Vision Tokyo: Vision Tokyo is a club in Shinjuku where you can enjoy music such as EDM and trance music. International DJs often perform, and the club attracts a diverse crowd.

(7) TK Shibuya: TK Shibuya is a lounge bar-turned-nightclub in Shibuya which is easily accessible to foreign tourists as well. 

(8) ALIFE Tokyo: ALIFE Tokyo has a reputation as a club for foreigners to enjoy music and dancing in a classy atmosphere.

The drinking age in Japan is 20. Nightclubs generally come to life late at night until early into the morning. There may be admission requirements or dress codes, so I recommend checking the website or social media beforehand in addition to bringing identification. It may also help to check if reservations are available. 

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 194 日本で雨はどう表現するの(にほんであめはどうひょうげんするの)

Japanese Online...


mm/hは、1時間(じかん)降雨(こうう)(りょう)をミリメートルで(しめ)しています。しかし、(たと)えば35mm/hと()われても、1時間(じかん)で35mm(= 3.5cm = 1.36インチ)の(あめ)(おお)いのか(すく)ないのか、()かりにくいことがあります。そこで、雨量(うりょう)目安(めやす)以下(いか)(しめ)します。

~ 15mm: やや(つよ)(あめ)((あめ)(おと)()こえる)
~ 20mm: (つよ)(あめ)((みず)たまりができる・(あめ)(おと)(はなし)()きづらい)
~ 30mm: (はげ)しい(あめ)(どしゃ()り・(かさ)をさしていても()れる)
~ 50mm: 非常(ひじょう)(はげ)しい(あめ)(バケツをひっくり(かえ)したような(あめ))


  -  3時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が40㎜以上(いじょう)で、1時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が20㎜を()え、(そう)雨量(うりょう)が50㎜になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  平地(へいち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が70㎜以上(いじょう)山地(さんち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

  -  1時間(じかん)に40㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  (そう)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  3時間(じかん)に70㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  平地(へいち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が150㎜以上(いじょう)山地(さんち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が200㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

  -  1時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が30㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  3時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が50㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

  -  1時間(じかん)に40㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)され、(そう)雨量(うりょう)が100㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  3時間(じかん)に70㎜以上(いじょう)(あめ)予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)、または
  -  平地(へいち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が150㎜以上(いじょう)山地(さんち)で24時間(じかん)雨量(うりょう)が200㎜以上(いじょう)になると予想(よそう)される場合(ばあい)

これで、日本(にほん)天気(てんき)予報(よほう)台風(たいふう)情報(じょうほう)()(さい)に、雨量(うりょう)(かん)する情報(じょうほう)()かりやすくなりましたか。この内容(ないよう)日本人(にほんじ ん)でも()らない(ひと)(おお)いと(おも)います。

Source: https://www.bo-sai.co.jp/typoon.htm

How Japan Measures Rainfall

In Japan, we commonly use millimeters per hour (mm/h) to measure rainfall and wind speed in weather forecasts.


Mm/h expresses the amount of rainfall in millimeters per hour. However, sometimes, it’s difficult to know whether 35 mm (= 3.5 cm = 1.36 inches) of rain in one hour is too much or too little, even if they say there will be 35 mm/h, for example. Therefore, the following is a rough estimate of rainfall.

~ 15 mm: Slightly heavy rain (you can hear rainfall)
~ 20 mm: Heavy rain (puddles form and it’s hard to hear what you’re saying because of how loud the rainfall is)
~ 30 mm: Heavier rain (pouring so much that you’ll get wet even if you have an umbrella)
~ 50 mm: Very heavy rain (like an overturned bucket)

In Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency issues warnings for the following

heavy rain advisory:
  -  Three-hour rainfall is 40 mm or more, one-hour rainfall exceeds 20 mm, and total rainfall is expected to reach 50 mm; or
  -  When 24-hour rainfall is expected to reach 70 mm or more in flat areas and 100 mm or more in mountainous areas.

Heavy Rain Warning
  -  Rainfall of 40 mm or more per hour is forecasted, or
  -  Total rainfall is expected to reach 100 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall of 70 mm or more is forecasted in 3 hours, or
  -  Rainfall is expected to reach 150 mm or more in 24 hours in flat areas and 200 mm or more in 24 hours in mountainous areas.

Flood Alert
  -  When one-hour rainfall is forecast to reach 30 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall in three hours is expected to reach 50 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall in 24 hours is expected to reach 100 mm or more.

Flood Warning
  -  When rainfall of 40 mm or more is forecasted in one hour and total rainfall is expected to reach 100 mm or more, or
  -  Rainfall of 70 mm or more is expected in three hours, or
  -  When rainfall is expected to be 150㎜ or more in 24 hours in flat areas and 200㎜ or more in 24 hours in mountainous areas.

Now, when you look at Japanese weather forecasts or typhoon information, it will be easier to understand the information about rainfall. I think there are many Japanese people who don’t know this information.

Source: https://www.bo-sai.co.jp/typoon.htm 

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