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Smiles From Kesennuma

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Smiles From Kesennuma
I have talked with Mayumi and she told me one story that made me very warm. Here it goes. This is from the teachers at school in Kesennuma.

Two days after the earthquake and tsunami, few hundred people were evacuated at the school gymnasium. They had no food, but they took a delivery of crackers. When they check, there was just enough for two pieces per person. So, they stared to giving crackers away.

After a while one kid who already got his share came back and put his hands in the box. Teacher looked at the kid. The kid was giving his cracker back because he got more then two pieces.

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About this picture.

This picture was taken last night at dinner with School Teachers and Mayumi Nakamura. Mayumi took 86 pictures in Kesennuma yesterday, those pictures are available at Go to this site and search "kesennuma". You can all 87 pictures.

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