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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

What's with this ship?

What's with this ship?
Does it look very sunken?
It is one of those ships that moves pontoons around on Lake Washington.

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PSPINC Services Windows 8 Style

PSPINC Services Windows 8 St...

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Dinner with a Bloguru Buddy

Dinner with a Bloguru Buddy Dinner with a Bloguru Buddy Dinner with a Bloguru Buddy Dinner with a Bloguru Buddy
I met one of Bloguru Buddies from Japan who is stationed in Austin for dinner. He took me to a place called North by Northwest Restaurant & Brewery in north Austin. Isn't it wonderful to meet people you know from the place like Bloguru?

He works for Japanese storage company called Buffalo. You may have seen their products in the computer stores. Today is the first day of DELL WORLD. I have to get ready and leave in about 1 hour. It is 6:15am on Wednesday ... that means it is 4:30am Seattle time. Not cool.

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Sales Technique!!!

I bought a set of Nike Golf Shoes for a very good price ... may be. The original price was $260 but was on sale for 60% off. That took it down to $104. I has coupon for additional 20% off. And farther more I had free shipping coupon too. I am very cheap and I don't usually spend more than $80 on any pair of shoes, golf shoes or not. But those coupons made me buy it.

Having a good sale price is good but usually not enough to make me buy it. Having some special discount will. When we do sales campaign, you should give some personalized discounts too make make people buy it. Even if it is online.

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Why should you choose Bloguru?

Why should you choose Bloguru?
All of the Blogs, None of the Ads.
Bloguru is completely ad-free. Keep your blog looking clean and your load times fast. Besides, if your company wants to use Blog to promote your business, why should you choose the blog that may display your competitor's advertisement?

Search Engine Optimized
Bloguru was designed from the ground-up to be search engine friendly. Because of the design of the Bloguru, it is very friendly to Google search.

Integrated for Social Networking Ease
Easily and automatically broadcast entries to your Twitter, Facebook or personal website.

Simple Photos & Videos
Spice up your blog posts with simple to upload photos and videos for a complete experience. There is no other blog that allow you to post 8 1MB photos on each post.

Limited to Only 1000 Bloggers
Be a part of a premium, active and exlcusive blog community.

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If you listen very carefully, there is a clue to Apple's success. Do you hear what I heard? What I heard is that you should be spending as much money in marketing as you do in the research and development.

I do not think Apple is the greatest technology company in the world, but Apple was the greatest marketing / public relations company in the world. I should say, Steve Jobs is the greatest marketing genius in the world.

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Twitter post may not be working.

The twitter account is not been posted from the Bloguru post. I need to investigate.

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Made in China

SONY Made in China SONY Made in China Apple Made in China Apple Made in China Canon Made in China Canon Made in China Logitec Made in China Logitec Made in China Samsung Made in China Samsung Made in China Fujitsu Made in China Fujitsu Made in China
Just look around you. How many things around you carry the badge saying "Made in China". No matter what the manufacturers are, they are all made in China.

If we do this, there will be nothing left for us. It is time to bring back the manufacturing to the country of consumption.

Testing Twitter Link ...

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Bloguru to Facebook Link

Bloguru to Facebook Link
We have just release the link feature between this Bloguru and Facebook. With this new feature, you can "Like" and "Recommend" the Bloguru post om the facebook.

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Look what Photoshop can do!!!

Look what Photoshop can do!!! Look what Photoshop can do!!! Look what Photoshop can do!!! Look what Photoshop can do!!! Look what Photoshop can do!!!
We had halloween luncheon today. Look what little bit of Photoshop can do.

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