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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Software Packaging

Software Packaging
We once tried to make our services in to packages.
I still think this might be a good idea.
Those are boxes from those days.

#dreamersi #kiroboto #marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition

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WebdeXpress Update Tomorrow

WebdeXpress Update Tomorrow
Our do-it-yourself website builder, WebdeXpress, will be upgraded to a new version tomorrow, March 12th . Choose from professionally designed templates, add your own content and you’re up and running in minutes. WebdeXpress is included in our Dreamersi plan.

We will be switching to the new version of WebdeXpress at 6:30 am on March 12th . Please DO NOT UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE FROM 6 - 7 AM . Our team has been diligently working to update our website builder to create more powerful and efficient software for your business. We’ve made changes to our system that will benefit how your websites load and rank on Google.

Here’s how this update will benefit you:

Faster Loading Times For Mobile & Desktop

We’ve enabled gZip compression and browser caching which will improve your websites speed and SEO ranking.

Better Protected

This new version has security enhancements that were not present with previous versions, meaning your website is safer than ever.

Your Site Moves Faster

We’ve decreased mobile and desktop speed index on this latest version. What is the speed index? Speed index is the number of milliseconds it takes for the visible part of your website to load.

HTML Loads Quicker
Reducing the server response time means that your HTML loads quicker so your webpage can render from your server in less time.
#Dreamersi #WebdeXpress

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Sunday Night

I drew this today. Pompom an... I drew this today.
Pompom and Tiny
I am at office upgrading website all by myself. It has so much content. I am using PSPinc's web builder / continent manager called Web de Xpress.

I am happy that we have this tools. Without it, it will be impossible to manage this big project.

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Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 14

First of all, you need to understand there are basically two types of website and those are (1) design to provide information, products, and service of you and your company and (2) designed to provide information, products, and services of others. For instance, your company website and most other company websites including Apple, Microsoft, IBM are the first type and let's say Google, Rakuten, Yelp, Groupon, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, LinkedIn are the second type.

When a website becomes famous, it is always the website that is designed to promote other businesses and not the actual company website. It is very rare to see any one company website become famous. So when you build a website for your company, it should not be your goal to make your website to attract many people. Your company website is designed to provide information to those who need to know your company. Here are some of the most important information about your company.

Corporate Contact Information / Locations
Products and Services
Hours and Days of Operations
Corporate Policies and Responsibilities
Publication Investor Relation

If you want to sell products online, unless you already established brand name like Apple, Microsoft, United Airlines .... it is not a smart idea to develop sales functions on your website. You have better success selling your products working with established online sales organizations like Amazon, eBay, Rakuten and so on. If you want to promote your store, you should be working with Yelp and other organizations and their websites.

But you need to remember, you may promote your business and sales using other sites, that does not mean you do not need a website. You still need your base. Other sites are designed to do specific functions such as sales and PR but are not design to replace your website. Your domain, website, and your email should be a base for other websites.
#KenUchikuraNewsletter #dreamersi #marketing #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #valueproposition

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What do you love about your business?

What do you love about your b...
Today at Seattle Execs. there was table discussion about "What do you love about your business?"

Here are eight answer rom 8 people at my table.
Can you tell which one is mine?

  • People
  • Problem Solving
  • Creative
  • Eating Healthy
  • Doing My Own Thing
  • Being Crazy
  • Freedom
  • Change Lives
  • #dreamersi #feebackonpilotsbt #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition

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    Oh No ... "Secondary Security Screening Selection"

    the Dreaded SSSS the Dreaded SSSS
    Our Japan company manage came over last week but on his boring pass, they printed "SSSS". That meant "Secondary Security Screening Selection" ... for extra security screening.

    I got it once. It was not fun.

    I hope he will not get that again tomorrow heading back to Tokyo.
    #dreamersi #kiroboto #pspinc #valueproposition

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    Did you know ...

    Did you know you can buy Micro SD Card (1TB) for less than $20.00
    I had no idea.
    #dreamersi #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition

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    My Newsletteer Vol 13

    My Newsletteer Vol 13
    Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 13

    Dear Reader,

    How do you come up with a new business, new product or new service? Sometimes I come up with them while I am sleeping, driving, eating, talking, even using the bathroom…. They usually sound like great ideas when I thought about them. Then I look them up later and say to myself “What was I thinking.” But once in a while you still think an idea is great. I write them up in an email and send it to myself. The current list contains 80 lines and about half of them are crossed out as impossible.

    They key is to make something quick and cheap so other people will get the basic idea. We call this quick prototyping. If the idea is so big you need funding, you may have to scale down the project or find Powerpoint investors. I am sure there are people who invest in a product based on Powerpoint but I have never tried to raise money using Powerpoint. I am not discouraging you to do this, but I just want to control things by myself.

    You've heard of the saying “The grass is always greener on the other side”, haven’t you? When you read this newsletter you might think 'Ken must have an easy job and not worry about anything'. The company is making money and he is playing golf all the time. That is far from my real life. First of all, I have played golf only once this year. Okay, this may be due to the fact the golf course is closed due to the snow. Not having any problems is something I wish for every day. As a matter of fact, it is super rare that I don’t have something that needs my attention.

    So, I have plenty of things that I need to do. But those things do not stop me from thinking about new business opportunities and products. If I don’t think about something new, I go crazy. That is the reason why I would really like to meet you and hear what you think. You are in a different business so chances are you have thought of something different. I would really like to know. Can we explore some new business opportunities together? That is the base of my message.

    I met Kim-Fu from my last newsletter. He is with a company called SPF.IO. The company has a very interesting technology and business model. I do not know what I or PSPinc can do. But we will find out. I really love meeting people.

    I am sending this newsletter using PSPinc’s own email broadcasting system, NewsMAIL. If you would like to publish your own newsletter, please let PSPinc know.

    If you do not want to receive this email, please use the unsubscribe link below. Your email will be deleted from my contact list immediately. If you want to add someone to this database, please list to add the email address. Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.
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    "Eating your own dog food", also called dogfooding, occurs when an organization uses its own product. This can be a way for an organization to test its products in real-world usage. Hence dogfooding can act as quality control, and eventually a kind of testimonial advertising.

    Do not trust the company does not use their own services.
    #Dogfooding #dreamersi #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition

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    Sign of Me Getting Old

    I saw an advertisement email from FORD.

    "Arriving fall 2019 to join its GT350 stablemate, Shelby GT500 is designed to be the ultimate driver’s car, ready to attack on all fronts – on the drag strip*, producing more than 700 horsepower** via its first-in-class dual-clutch transmission with launch control, and on the track, with its race-bred chassis, Ford Performance-spec Michelin Pilot tires, massive Brembo brakes and performance aerodynamics, and on the street…"

    I am sure I used to be very excited to watch and hear about the car like this. I do still think it looks cool but I am now more interested in quiet comfort and safe ride with as close to autonomous driving capability as possible.

    I am very happy with my Subaru Outback. I have avoided at least three accidents because the car stopped by itself. Also I love the fact my car seems to invisible to place. This morning I was doing 10 miles over the limit to move to left lane to let the speeding car pass me. Well, the speeding car was Bellevue Police Car.
    #dreamersi #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition

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