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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Competing with a Giant

Competing with a Giant
Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 5
Competing with a Giant

This is my 5th newsletter and the first newsletter of 2019. I hope you have enjoyed the last 4 newsletters. Happy New Year to everyone.

2019 has arrived and we all are one year younger. Hopefully, we are all one year wiser as well. In the US, there are more people working for companies with less than 100 people than those working for large companies combined. But when you watch TV commercials, you only see advertisements from large companies. I own and operate a software development company which produces web and email hosting services. We serve over 40,000 companies but we are not large like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Microsoft, GoDaddy …

We have a smaller R&D budget. We have a much smaller marketing budget. How do you compete with those giants? They have everything and we have nothing. It is impossible to fight against those giants. But when you look closely, there are a few areas you can always compete and even win. Those areas are:

(1) Speed of development
(2) Personalized customer service
(3) Listening to customers

These areas are the ones that smaller companies can always win over large corporations. I understand you may have a better product than giants, but you will never win until you focus on what made you better than them in the first place. I am focusing on those elements to make our company grow. Products we develop will not have all the bells & whistles of those from larger companies, but it is more focused on our clients’ needs. We can always customize our products to fit the needs of companies which large companies will not.

So, I want small business owners and staff to stop complaining about the lack of budget. Enjoy the freedom you have to provide better service to your customers. Take care of every customer, one customer at a time. You will always be a go-to company for your customer. You want to be the most popular local restaurant instead of the national chain. And when you grow to be a giant, you need to make sure you leave some room for small guys to grow. That is the responsibility of being big.

If you have a question about computers and IT … please let me know. If you have a good experience, please share it with me. I would like to learn from you. If you had a bad experience, let me know. I would like to learn that too. I am writing this newsletter to let you know what I know, but at the same time, I really like to know what you know. By you hearing from me, if you come up with a business idea, please share it with me. That is the purpose of my newsletter.

If you do not want to receive this email, please use the unsubscribe link. Your email will be deleted from my contact list immediately. If you want to add someone to this database, please list to add the email address. Please contact me with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.
#dreamersi #keichiuchikuranewsletter #kiroboto #marketing #pompomishere #pompomwashere #postinheaven #pspinc #pspwebdevelopment #valueproposition

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Fighting SPAM Emails

When you send email to spamco... When you send email to
You will receive email confirming that we have received the email.
PSPinc launched a service end of last year to fight against ever increasing SPAM and Phishing emails. PSPinc provides anti-SPAM filtering system called FIFTI to stamp [POSSIBLE SPAM] in front of the subject on email. It is up to the user to SPAM out those email stumped using build-in SPAM filtering.

We have created the system to collect those SPAM email that got through. If you find those SPAM emails, just create an email and attach those SPAM and send them to We will evaluate those email and place them in FIFTI.

This is one more way how wa protect your email.
#Dreamersi #EmailHosting #SPAMFiltering #marketing #pspinc #valueproposition

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Email Security Update

Email Security Update
Email Security Update

In an attempt to prevent and block spammers we are implementing the 2nd phase of our email security update. Spam is when hackers gain access to an account and then send emails through that account. If 200 emails are sent from an email address within 1 hour that email address will be blocked from sending mail for 60 minutes, you will still be able to receive mail. After 1 hour if the email address is still sending out spam AND we think that you’ve been compromised – we will manually reset your password. If you send mass emails or have online forms with your SMTP account, you may trigger the security update, which will block your emails. Please consult with our support team for more information concerning SMTP accounts OR take advantage of our NewsMail software!

If you have any questions or concerns please email or call 425-957-0808
#dreamersi #nessmail #pspinc #valueproposition

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Cheap and Easy

Cheap and Easy
Many Internet Web Page Development services are being promoted using two themes.

(1) Cheap
(2) Easy

I don't think we should push our services in the same theme. I rather be

(1) Value Price
(2) Compete / Best

Does that make sense?
#WebPageDevelopment #dreamersi #kiroboto #marketing #pompomwashere #pspinc #valueproposition

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First Look at New Web Mail on PSPinc Hosting

First Look at New Web Mail o...
This is the first look at new Web Mail we are designing/developing for Dreamersi Domain+Web+Email hosting platform. It is now deployed to PSPin internal use, but it will soon be for all our customers' site.
#dreamersi #pspinc #valueproposition

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HopTile on Hold ... We are just too busy!!!

HopTile on Hold ... We are jus...
HopTile development is currently in hold. We will update you on this Facebook. Thank you.

PS: We are just too busy and not enough engineers.
#HopTile #dreamersi #pspinc #webbuilding

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You don't have to do a lot ... just some.

You don't have to do a lot. Bu... You don't have to do a lot.
But do something.
If you want to know, call PSPinc.
Websites are quite powerful, but we all know it is not easy to maintain. Avoiding issues around security is tricky, and dealing with various plugins non-trivial. We find many users seeking professionally maintained technologies with direct service staff.

This is true. People are looking for website to give your a great ROI (Return on Investment) without investing much. That will not happen. Many websites you visit did not gather people just by being there. They do "Updates", "Promotions", "Marketing" and "Advertisement". There will be no ROI ion you do not invest.

But good news is that you do not have to invest a lot to have some return. There are son many companies just have web. You may be one of them. But because there aren't many companies do "Updates", "Promotions", "Marketing" and "Advertisement", if you some you will be way ahead.
#dreamersi #hosting #pspinc #valueproposition #webbuilding

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Can you use Smartphone's camera for web?

Image Taken with iPhone 6 Plus Image Taken with iPhone 6 Plus
I use to think smartphone's camera is not good enough for taking pictures for website, but recently I developed a website using pictures I took with iPhone. I do believe smartphone's camera is good enough for website.

What do you thin?
#dreamersi #pspinc #valueproposition #webbuilding

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Fixed Cost Domain + Web + Email

KOMO Plaza Building PSPinc Dr... KOMO Plaza Building
PSPinc Dreamersi Datacenter is located in Seattle
Did you know PSPinc offers a fixed cost plan that includes

(1) Domain Name Registration for 1 Year
(2) Up to 5 Page Web Design and Development using Web de Xpress*
(3) 10 Email Account Hosting with SPAm and Virus Filter
(4) Once a month web update

for $275 month or $2,750 per year.

* Web de Xpress is a Web builder & content management system designed and developed by PSPinc.
#dreamersi #hosting #pspinc #webbuilding

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Mutual Business ...

On its way to Pittman Automoti... On its way to Pittman Automotive Service David and My Car David and My Car He is a true mechanic. He is a true mechanic. This is the updated page. Plea... This is the updated page.
Please vist ... It is not complete but better than nothing.
I made this in less than 1 hour.
I delivered my 1959 Mercedes Benz 220S to Pittman Automotive Service. In very short time, David Eames, the owner found the problem. The fuel pump is not working. He will track down the parts and fix it for me.

I am building the website for him. I got some more picture and series from David and I updated his home page. Pleas check it out.

#dreamersi #hosting #pspinc #valueproposition #webbuilding

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