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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


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The Old Navy Store in Factoria is open today. Business must go on, especially this down economy.

I don't shop at Old Navy Store (I might be too mature for the brand) but the do anything to survive attitude of private businesses are great. Thanks for working on Thanksgiving day.

The State, County and City should thank Old Navy too. They are generating sales tax for the government on Thanksgiving day.
#Business #Marketing

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Mayumi is at Minami Sanriku

Mayumi is at Minami Sanriku
Mayumi left Kesennuma and now is at Minami Sanriku where entire city was consumed by Tsunami. The building you see in the picture above became famous. You can find out why by watching the video below.


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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving
This year is winding down. I cannot say this year was a good year for me but there is another year just around the corner.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Let's try not to eat too much.
#Culture #Tradition

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Smiles From Kesennuma

Smiles From Kesennuma
I have talked with Mayumi and she told me one story that made me very warm. Here it goes. This is from the teachers at school in Kesennuma.

Two days after the earthquake and tsunami, few hundred people were evacuated at the school gymnasium. They had no food, but they took a delivery of crackers. When they check, there was just enough for two pieces per person. So, they stared to giving crackers away.

After a while one kid who already got his share came back and put his hands in the box. Teacher looked at the kid. The kid was giving his cracker back because he got more then two pieces.

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About this picture.

This picture was taken last night at dinner with School Teachers and Mayumi Nakamura. Mayumi took 86 pictures in Kesennuma yesterday, those pictures are available at Go to this site and search "kesennuma". You can all 87 pictures.

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Refer 3 Friends and Get Free ...

Refer 3 Friends and Get Free ...
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Does Bloguru work for you?

Does Bloguru work for you?
Google Search "Issues HR People Care" and see the result. Is this what you see?
Do you think Bloguru is helping this company?
First page out of 625 million hits.

If you are a business owner, you should consider for your business. Bloguru is 100% Advertisement Free Blog service that costs you nothing. You need an invitation to open an account.

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How important is your blog?

How important is your blog?
How can a seemingly child's play like blog help your business? You think nobody cares about what you eat for lunch. Well, it is true nobody really cares about what you eat, usually.

Can you answer this question?

Do you rather buy something from someone you know or complete stranger?
If your answer is "from someone you know", you are not alone.

Do you think having a blog makes you more open than the one who has no blog or any other social activities? I think you know the answer to that as well.

Blog may be a child's play, but it will make you more friendly and open. And that is not bad for your business, is it. You already have a camera with your phone, it does not take much time at all to let people know what you ate.

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Only in America

Only in America
This is a typical Chinese take-out box, isn't it?
But I have never seen this box outside of the US.
As far as I know every Chinese restaurant uses this particulate box.

Who makes it?
Is it patented?

#Business #Marketing

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Bigger is Better, or is it?

Bigger is Better, or is it?
I purchased a son on iTune ... It did not download so I did it again. It worked second time. But next day, the original purchase was downloaded again. I end up getting a bill for the same twice.

I decide to contact Apple/iTune store to get a credit ... I called their support and they ask me to go a web site. I went there. I went under billing ... there is no place I can report my problem.

Yes, it is only $1.29 ... I know that. But I feel cheated. I have no place to go. I have to make sure our service ( does not give you a run around. Also, if we do, you know how to contact me.
#Business #Marketing

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It is really cold morning.


It is very cold this morning ... I guess it might be too cold for golf. I need to walk dogs first.

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