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Otto's blog


Sorry I haven`t posted anything on my blog recently.

But how about looking at my old posts? If you`re interested in a certain topic, you can use the `Categories` section on the right side of the page, down the bottom.

Here are English translations:


ブログ - blog
スポーツ - sports
車・バイク - cars + bikes
芸術・アート - art
アウトドア - outdoor
パーティー - parties
レシピ - recipes

Unfortunately, I haven`t decided a category for some things (like my `One Man`s Trash` series) yet, so they are just included in the `blog` category, with most of my posts.

And remember, you can write a comment for my old posts too!


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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2011-08-31 22:16

That's kind of you.
But you remember some music collection. They are funny and interesting. Especially, I remember that a paper elephant(?) is a little sad.
Anyway it is good that past articles are read again, isn't it?

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2011-09-02 09:45

Thanks for your suggestion - I`d forgotten about my music items. I haven`t done a music post for a while...

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