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Student of the Month

Student of the Month
It was my turn to choose Ichinomiya Teragoya`s Student of the Month for January.

I chose Atsuko because she has a fantastic attitude to studying & using English. Not only is she attentive in class, she also also does a lot of extra study at home. For example, she writes every day in her English diary, & she checks out English language websites. And of course she reads my blog & sometimes comments on it too - excellent!

She has improved so much since joining Teragoya - good job, Atsuko!

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Commented by Atsuko
Posted at 2012-01-17 19:28

Thank you very much!
I'm so happy :)
And thanks for your correcting to my diary every time!!!
I'll try and study English from now on too!

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Commented by michiko
Posted at 2012-01-18 21:29

Congratulations, Atsuko!!!
I think that you are so great writing every day in ENGLISH diary! I'm tired to write my diary in only Japanese sometimes. And you are really lucky because you have a hard study student like her.

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Commented by Atsuko
Posted at 2012-01-19 06:02

Thank you Michiko!!!
I'm so happy :)
but my English is still immature...
The sentences which I'm writing  are always like the same...ha ha
I hope that I would speak English fluently like you!
And I'm looking forward to meet you sometime!

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