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Imaginary Friend: What`s that? You gonna make something?
Me: Yeh - wanna know what?
I: Yeh, I wanna know.
Me: I thought you`d wanna know
I: ...
Me: ...
I: So tell me what you`re gonna make!!!
Me: Sorry - you gotta wait a couple of weeks.
I: I don`t wanna wait - tell me now!
Me: Sorry, first I wanna let students guess what I`m gonna make.
I: So they gotta write their ideas in comments?
Me: That`s right. Then in 2 weeks I`m gonna tell them the answer.
I: Sounds fun!

We don`t usually write 'gonna', 'gotta' & 'wanna', but we often use them in spoken English.
- gonna + [verb動詞] = going to
- gotta + [verb動詞] = have got to / have to / must
- wanna +[verb動詞] = want to

The answer is in comments. Well done Andrew, who guessed correctly!
#アート #伝統 #文化 #芸術

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Taiki M
Commented by Taiki M
Posted at 2014-04-14 04:09

Are you making a red vest? 
Is someone getting to be 60?

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2014-04-15 15:54

Nice guess but no, nobody is turning 60 (for the red), or 88 (for the yellow).  Guess again!

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Andrew Lamb
Commented by Andrew Lamb
Posted at 2014-04-18 17:08

Are you making an Australian Lifesaver cap?

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Teragoya Otto
Commented by Teragoya Otto
Posted at 2014-04-22 17:43

Haha - CORRECT!!! I`m going to make a few caps so students & teachers can wear them to play surf lifesaver-themed games at this school event in July. It`s going to be a lot of fun!

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